Chapter Eight: Humanity is Worth Saving

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"I got a tip about Fallout, but it's been scrambled by Kilgore's code." Iris said.

"Hmm, not anymore. Consider it unscrambled." Cisco said.

The words 'DeVoe coming for Borman' appeared on the screen.

"DeVoe. Where's Argus keeping Borman? Do we know?" Barry asked.

"I-I can't ping lyla, but I can try Dig."

"I'll just go get him." Barry ran out of the room.

"Trash can." I said.

"How about the recycling?" Iris asked nope.

"I got it, I got it." Cisco said, holding a wire trash can.

"You might want to rethink that one." I told him, holding out the plastic trashcan for him to take.

"Seemed like a good idea at the time." Iris got a bottle of water ready and I got a stick of gum. Barry reappeared with Diggle.

"Sorry, man." He took the trashcan, throwing up. "I'm sorry."

"Mhm." He handed the trash can back to Cisco, taking the water from Iris and the gum from me.

"Can we, just...I'm sorry."

"I hate you," Diggle said,.

"I know."

"What is this about?

"Neil Borman, the man we left with you, with ARGUS, where are you keeping him?"

"Barry, that's classified information, I'm not the director of ARGUS, I-"

"Dig, we don't have time. Please."

"He's at a place called the Castle. It's a thousand miles away from anything."

"Please, can you check it?" He walked over to the computer, typing it in.

"Ok, looks like everything's fine in ARGUS...except for me. Um...says I checked in six hours ago."

"DeVoe can shapeshift," Caitlin said, "With Melting Point's powers, he can trick a DNA Scanner and take over the building."

"Uh, hey, Diggle, Diggle, Diggle?"

"Ten thousand RADS and climbing." Caitlin read. "Borman's body's gone critical already, we can't save him."

"If that chamber hits a hundred K it'll start generating nuclear fusion. Like core of the sun fusion."

"Infinite fuel." I realized.

"He's using Borman's body as a battery."

"That's the last piece of the machine."

"Wait, a battery?" Diggle asked. 'Borman's containment cell is ten feet tall."

"And DeVoe has the power to shrink it down. He'll charge the satellites, all he has to do is launch 'em."

"How long do we have?"

"At this rate of fusion, we have...twelve hours until the Enlightenment begins."


"Diggle's back in STAR City," Barry reported, "Now I'm going after DeVoe."

"Don't go storming the Castle just yet." Cisco pulled up the blueprint. "You're looking at motion-activated electro-shock plates that ARGUS installed in the facility.

"Seventy-thousand volts?" Caitlin asked."You hit one of those, you'll be knocked out for sure."

"Ok, so I'll avoid them when I go in."

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