Chapter Seventeen: Negative Tachyons

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Just as Wally got the words our there was a flash of blue light and a crashing sound.

"That didn't sound good." I pointed out, jumping out of the pipeline door and flying around the bend in search of what happened. What I found was three very unconscious superheros and a third torn-to-shreds Flash suit. I sighed as Ralph appeared beside me.

"Oh boy." Wally and Cisco also appeared. Wally ran Nora out of the pipeline and then came back to help Cisco with Barry. Ralph scooped up Hannah who woke up in his arms.

"You ok?" I asked her.

"It's times like these that I'm thankful that cell polymerization is hereditary."

"Wait...isn't that..." Ralph looked at me and I nodded. "You can stretch?"

"And fly." I confirmed.

"That's incredible!"

"However...I could use an Advil." She said, pressing a hand to her head. I nodded.


"I'm sorry I was too late," Wally said. Nora was lying on the bed in the Med Bay and Hannah was sitting beside Barry, both of them with ice packs pressed to their heads. "It took me a while to find where the legends were. Well, when they were. But we got their Gideon to scan Nora's blood sample."

"What'd she find?" Barry asked.

"Negative tachyons."

"Negative tachyons? So what, instead of speeding you up they slow you down?" Cisco asked sarcastically.


"Oh dang, I was just joking, that's a real thing?"

"Yeah, Ava and her team at the Time Bureau have encountered them before, but no one knows where they come from or how they're generated."

"Like Dark matter for the space time continuum." Barry stated.

"Exactly, and they're saturating Nora's body and keeping her from entering the Speed Force."

"What about the Wave Rider, can the legends take them back?"

"If negative tachyons come anywhere the Rider's time drives, the reaction will vaporize the ship. They could take Hannah home though." Nora and Hannah shared a look.

"You've been wanting to go home all this time," Nora told her, "Now you could." Hannah shook her head.

"Not without you. Until you can leave, I'm staying."

"There's got to be a way to get rid of them, right?" Barry asked.

"I don't know about getting rid of them, but maybe we can offset the tachyon absorption enhancer to negate the reaction somehow."

"Hey guys." Wally pointed at the TV.

"A new meta was seen jumping off a building in order to evade capture after stealing jewels-"

"How did we miss this?" Barry asked.

"I guess this is a parting gift from DeVoe," Iris pointed out, "Without our STAR Labs satellite, we've lost our eyes, our ears, our dark matter scanner,our facial recognition, I mean we're always gonna be one step behind these metas now."

"I'll work on this, why don't you guys go help Ralph with the Gridlock crime scene, ok?"

"Can I go too?" Hannah asked. Barry looked at us.

"Well, I...I suppose that's up to your parents." I looked at Ralph.

"I haven't done anything to make us not trust you." I reasoned.

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