Books and Flannels

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When she was five, Y/N would always watch her father throwing on a black leather jacket over his shoulder while her mother begged him not to go. She would hide behind her bedroom door to watch them argue for the hundredth time that month. She never understood why her mother was so angry at her dad; he was only going to work.

At the age of seven, one night she watched her mother pack her bags right after her father left for work once again. She had enough of begging him to stay and she was planning of leaving. Y/N watched her mother pack her own stuff, but she never came in to take her with her. She passed Y/N's bedroom without hesitation and left through the back door with her bags. The night passed and she was left alone in the house without anyone. Slowly, she opened her parent's bedroom door only to see everything that belonged to her mother was gone. Her perfume, her clothes, her shoes and even her ballerina jewelry box was gone. She didn't understand anything, she thought her mother was coming back for her; but she never did. Y/N cried for hours in the small hallway once she realized her mother had abandoned her. The sun was barely starting to rise when her father had run in the house from his bike when he heard her crying from outside. He didn't even bother turning off the bike, all he wanted was to get to his little girl. The tears burned her little eyes as she heard her father's bike outside. His heart broke to shreds when he spotted the little girl sobbing in front of his bedroom door, she thought she was left alone forever; but he never was going to leave her.

During summer break, Y/N watched her father fix his beaten up motorcycle with one of his friends in the garage. While sitting down on the metal table in the far back, the ten-year-old girl swung her legs back and forth with a book in hand pretending to be reading when in reality she was watching both men fix the bike. Usually, when her father was either saying goodbye to his work friend she would walk over to the dirty bike and admire every inch of it. She found it mesmerizing; her interest for bikes only grew throughout the summer. She would remember sitting even closer than before from her father and his friend, watching them exchange thoughts about the bike or about anything really. After a few more visits from her father's friend, she finally learned his name, FP Jones. He even sometimes brought his own kid around, he was certainly younger than her but he was always buried in one of his books while Y/N would pull her own tiny chair and listen to men while she watched them make progress on the metal bike.

When she was sixteen, she was capable of fixing the bike on her own while her father and FP watched from a far with a cold beer in hand. FP would always bring a new book with him, handing it to her since Jughead had thought she might like it as well. Even though Jughead was only thirteen, he had really good taste and interest in mature literature. While others read young adult books, Jughead and Y/N bonded on their love for mysteries and that's all they talked about when he came with FP to her house. Her father always teased her about her having a crush on the young Jones, but her heart was set on the older Jones. She couldn't help but stutters or freeze when FP would hand her the new book he brought her or even when he threw a comment about her skills with her bike. Maybe it was the way the leather jacket hung over his shoulders, the stubble on his face or his raspy voice that drove her crazy.

At first, she tried to convince herself it was her teenage hormones, but when she reached senior year; her feelings for the older man were the same. But that summer, it was a complete different story. She was leaving for college and it was miles away from her town. Her father wanted her to get her education, something he never had the chance to and she didn't want to let him down. Her father wasn't a man who other people respected; he was a serpent and people judged him from it. Even though it was hard for him to raise her, he made her his priority always. When moving day had come, Jughead and FP came over to her house one last time before she left. It was hard saying goodbye to her only family, but she had to make her father proud. Y/N pressed a kiss on her father's cheek before getting in her truck. On the passenger seat, she could see a pile of books wrapped around a blue and white flannel. She smiled to herself, just imagining Jughead sneaking in the pile of books while she said her goodbyes. Jughead Jones was the purest and she adored him because of that.

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