Lets make a deal

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Written by: https://loomisjones.tumblr.com/post/172325085943/loomisjones-masterlist

Given that you had just returned home from a movie an hour ago that left you leaving nail prints in FP's hand from utter fear, when your bathroom door creaked open when you were mid washing your hair, humming along the words to Wannabe, to say you nearly had a heart attack was to keep it light.

When a looming figure came into view through your shower curtain and your heart was attempting to beat out of your chest, you picked up the closest thing to you which just happen to be a strawberry scented body wash bottle and, inhaling a deep breath, you pulled back the curtain, holding the bottle up to your shoulder, ready to strike.

"Jesus fucking Christ, FP," you lower the bottle to your side, pushing yourself back against the shower wall as the water hits your skin, soothing your heart rate as you watch your wide eyed, semi dressed boyfriend freeze mid-way through removing his jeans, denim around his ankles.

You can't help but let a laugh bubble out, both at the fact that you picked up body wash to defend yourself and that FP thought a bottle would hurt him. You set down the bottle and step out of the waters target, both of you soon erupting the room in echous laughter.

"Really, this is what we've resorted to? Going Psycho on me?" you question a now naked FP as he climbs in the shower, steam making his figure foggy. You shake your head a bit at his single shoulder shrug, pushing your hands out for balance against his chest as you lean your head back into the water, enough to heat your cooling body well also far enough to keep the water out of your eyes and allow you to keep your attention on FP.

He rolls out a laugh and reaches forward, water catching him as he curls his hands around your waist, pulling you upright and towards him.

You two are at proximity where its verging on claustrophobic, his breath hits your face as speaks, "last time I came to the door after 8," stray droplets began to bounce against your cheek as they bounce off of loose strands of FP's raven hair, bringing your hands up to comb through the locks and give them a push back, "your parents didn't let me see you for a week." his lips attach to your jaw, peppering a kiss before he continues speaking, remaining close to your skin as he finishes the end of his loose explanation, "which is still in affect if you forgot."

You nodded along as he spoke, not really hearing his words with the distraction of running your hands down the boy's body, his words ending in a hiss as your fingers ghost over the tip of his cock, tickling the slit.

"No," you purr, your voice low as the water bounces off your back and harmonizes against the plastic tub, "we wouldn't want you getting in trouble." FPs attention moves off of your jaw and instead finds your earlobe, grazing his teeth against the soft skin as he suckles, your back arching as your hands continue the dance with his growing cock, this time your fingers graze moving from his dick to just the root and dragging up lazily.

He ripples a grunt of sorts in your ear that leaves your stomach clenching in on itself, but instead of giving into your wobbling knees, you shush him, your voice against his shoulder.

Goosebumps start to rise under your touch as you curl a hand around his bicep, using your hold to give him a small push back, releasing a hum that hints at impatience. He backs himself in towards where you've directed in the opposite corner of the shower head, keeping his hands curls around your waist to retreat along with you.

You keep your voice hushed and dragged, lowering yourself slowly closer to the ground as your fingers follow suit with you, dancing down FP's sides until they come to a stop around his thighs with you now perched on your knees, the muscles lean hills, "you know were on probation, can't get caught," you catch his tip and place a peppered kiss against the sensitive skin, "can you stay quiet for me?"

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