Serpent Queen

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It was a eerier Saturday night in Riverdale, and I was currently walking in the unsettling temperature of the town.

Tonight I settled for a longer shift seeing as I wanted to save up enough money to buy FP a gift for out upcoming anniversary.

A small smile crept onto my face as I thought of the serpent leader. He and I have been official for five months now, six in about two weeks. Before him, my conception of love was still a High School ideology that I seemed to have kept with me, even as an adult. But with FP, it was more than what I was taught 'love' was as a teenage girl. With him, it was passion, lust, and a consistent loyalty with boundaries never crossed. I was in love with every piece and part of him, despite his past.

Still in awe of the thought of FP, as I turned the corner, I failed to see the group of Ghoulies who were hanging around. My feet kept moving, and soon enough I walked through their little group.

"Look what we have here," one of them sneered at me, venom evidently lacing throughout his voice, "the serpent queen, right?"

I swallow hard, before clenching my jaw and moving forward. Just as soon as I moved, a hand was quick to block my way.

"And where do you think you're going? We haven't had our fun yet, darling." A husky and deep voice whispered, sending a chill of unease to tickle my skin.

Despite the fear erupting in my stomach, I held my head high and showed no mercy as I once again attempted to make my way through the group. This time though, they were less gentle. In the blink of an eye, I was gasping for air and found myself shoved against the nearest wall wish an arm rested against my chest in attempts to deny me of any escape.

"I told you, we haven't had our fun." A man growled into my ear, and I began to struggle against him.

"Get off of me! Somebody! Help-" My cries and protests were cut short as a bitter hit was made to the back of my head. In seconds, I was left unconscious.

My eyes wince painfully, as a rich and beaming white light consumes me. I groan and squeeze my eyes shut as a sudden throbbing come from above me. The intensity of my headache was enough to trigger a burning pain at the bridge of my nose.

"So, our princess has awoke." A voice says, letting out a sinister chuckle.

My eyes shoot open, and fear swallows me as I recall recent events.

"Get me out of here!" I shout, but to my dismay, my shout is muffled by a cloth muffling all words I could say.

"What was that, doll? You're so happy to see me?"

I glare at the man, and my eyes gloss over as I take in the fact that I was being held hostage.

"Don't cry, doll. I won't hurt you, well that all depends on your infamous king." His voice says slowly, as he caresses the bottom of my chin and lifts it up to meet my eyes.

His eyes are cold and unfriendly, and his posture gives off an older age than what he is. The colour of his eyes hold such power, and dominance that I couldn't help but shift uncomfortably under his gaze.

My eyes widen at his statement,

Where was FP?

What does he mean?

A mischievous grin finds its way onto his face, and he laughs before continuing.

"What I mean is, if he doesn't cooperate with what we want well, let me give you a taste..."

His Princess ( FP Jones x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now