Karma Never Felt so Good

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Written by: https://loomisjones.tumblr.com/post/172325085943/loomisjones-masterlist

The spanking had started innocently enough, stemming from drunken state origins. The whole lot of you had emerged yourselves into a game of truth or dare, giggling at one another's word or actions like you were a bunch of high schoolers. But then again, you suppose some of you were.

The request had came from Joaquin, his words slurred as he boomed out,"why don't you give FP a good old spankin?"

The hoots and hollers that boomed around you echoed like megaphones, their volume masking the sound of your hand against the snakes cladded ass, a bellowed laugh falling from FP himself from the point of contact, the power behind the hit soft, not even enough to make the skin momentarily red.

However since that night, the soft swats had become almost another player in your relationship, claiming itself as the way you greeted your boyfriend, a touch born from love.

"Mornin," your voice still scratchy from waking up only meer minutes ago, you deliver a backhanded spank to FP's boxer plaid patterned ass, not even earning a jump from the man being that the gesture had become so routine.

He hums a soft tone in greeting instead, his brows furrowed together in concentration as he raised the handle of the fry pan, eyes squinting as is the pancake cooking was an opponent, an over exaggerated sigh falling from him as the pancake squashes together, falling against one as he tried to flip it, the batter still too runny to be flipped.

"I'll get it." Your words fall as your lips press to his cheek, the sound muffled. You knock your hip against him, shooing him out of the way as you take the spatula from his hand, stepping into the place he previously occupied.

But instead of busying himself setting the table or making toast, his arms coiled around your waist and his mouth found the juve of your neck, tongue at the skin, "or, I have a better idea."

"And what's that?" You poke at the pancake glob with the spatula, your interest peaked at FP's words and the way they were delivered.

"I was thinking," FP continues his mouths work at your neck, sucking at your earlobe momentarily. His one hand stays coiled around your waist, the only barrier between his touch and your skin being his flannel you threw over yourself after waking up naked thanks to your, endeavors, last night. His other hand disconnects from your waist though and drags down your side, his actions deliberately slow. His hand only come to a stop once it's curled around your ass, kneading at your right cheek through the shirt that just barely coveres the target area. He nips at your earlobe as he pulls away, his breath against your skin causing goosebumps, "it's about time you get a taste of your own medicine."

A gasp falls from your lips, a tingle running down your spin as his hand connected with your ass. FP, a surprise to you, was a very sexual man, even at his age. Out of everyone you had dated, he was by far one of the most sexually hungry ones. He was constantly wanting to be touching you, pleasing you, fucking you. And you would be the last person to stop him from doing so.

Along with his high sex drive, he was also a very open man, free to try everything at least once. And boy, had you. You think you two had tried everything in the books from light teasing to BDSM, but there was also an unspoken rule between you two: FP never spanked you. Not with his hand or anything else you two experimented with. Spanking was yours and yours alone.

Everything went quiet for a few moments, FP words hanging in the air with the option to pull away. But instead you pushed forward on your toes, knocking off the stoves heat. When you fall back down on your feet, you deliberately push yourself further, nudging yourself into FP. Your words deliver as a whisper as you circle your hips a bit, your ass moving in his hold, "I think that's only fair."

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