Long time no see

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Written by: https://iwritetrashimagines.tumblr.com/post/169026392867/long-time-no-see-fp-jones

It came as a bit of a surprise when I'd heard that FP Jones would be getting out of jail early. As someone who grew up on the Southside, I knew who he was. He was someone I ran around with when we were kids. He was a boy that got himself into trouble whenever the opportunity made itself known. I hadn't spoken to him in years. Not because I didn't want to, but because I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Not only was FP Jones someone I ran around with when I was younger, he was my first love. He was the last remaining piece of the life I had moved on from. I fell madly in love with FP in the last year of high school, but things became too much once I'd been accepted to a college in another state. FP didn't plan on moving on. He was a member of the Serpents, just like many of the other people we'd grown up with. I chose to stay out of the gang and try to find my way out of Riverdale.

That didn't last long, however. After I'd finished college with a Bachelors in English I experimented working in other places but ended up moving back to Riverdale, except, this time, on the Northside. Life was going well. I reconnected with old friends like Alice Cooper and Fred Andrews and got a job as an English teacher at the high school. The only thing missing was what I hoped I could come home to find – love. I never really got over FP, but I hoped that somehow he had moved on from the life we had once shared on the Southside. By the time I got back to town, I learned that FP had in fact moved on, just not how I had desired. He was still a member of the Serpents, but he now had a family. A wife and kids. After learning this, I gave up. I dropped the idea that FP and I could work out.

I chose to lose the memory of FP and all the happiness he'd brought me. I dated other men, I was even married for 8 years, but in the back of my mind I still sometimes thought of the man I fell in love with years ago. Fast forward a few years and suddenly this town had turned upside down. Now in my 40's, I was divorced with no kids. Clifford Blossom killed his own son, and himself. FP had been arrested as an accomplice. Fred Andrews had been shot. Riverdale even got its very own serial killer out to kill sinners. But, only pieces of that mattered most to me.

I never truly thought I'd see FP again, and I learned to cope. I knew that once he got out of jail he'd still be living on the Southside, which would surely keep us on separate ends of the town. Yet, when I was given the chance to see the man I had loved so long ago, I took it.

"Ms. (Y/L/N), can I speak to you for a moment?" Betty spoke softly as she entered the classroom that had become the headquarters of the Blue & Gold. Like Alice, I had stepped in to help bring the school paper back.

"Yeah. What's up Betty? You look a little stressed." I looked up from the book in front of me. This was my conference hour, and I normally spend it in this room reading. It gave me a break and allowed me to de-stress after spending hours with students that sometimes made me want to pull my hair out. Don't get me wrong, teaching is lovely. It's everything I thought it would be. But, some students just don't care.

"Actually, I'm planning something, and I was hoping you would be interested." She gave me a smile as she sat in a chair close to where I was. "I was in Jughead's trailer the other day and I noticed something. You see, we've been trying to come up with a way to welcome his dad back home. We decided on throwing him a party at the Whyte Wyrm." Betty paused, as if trying to figure out how to say something.

"And how does this involve me?" I could feel goosebumps developing on my arms. After all this time, I'd buried my feelings for FP. I'd done my best to get over him. Questions were clouding my mind. Why would she mention FP to me?

"There was a picture in his trailer. It was old, but you could tell it was well taken care of." Her voice quieted as she looked down for a moment. She looked up, meeting my questioning eyes. "It was a picture of you and Jughead's dad, Ms. (Y/L/N). And, I'm not hinting at anything here, but you looked very friendly in said picture." This time it was I who couldn't make eye contact. I cleared my throat as the room became too quiet.

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