Garra Love Story- Emotions part 2

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I woke up with tears in my eyes, and my heart was finally slowing its pace.

I got up and grabbed the box of Teddy Grahams and ate some. I shuffled over to Garra's room, I opened his door and quietly walked in.

I tapped Garra on the shoulder.

"Garra...? Are you awake?" I whispered.

He turned to me in his bed "Yeah, what is it?"

"Um I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight...if that's okay.."

A smile crept on to his face "Oh that's fine with me."

Garra scooted over and made a space for me. I put the Teddy Grahams on his dresser, and laid down next to him.

He pulled the covers over me and I snuggled into his chest.

Garra's POV------------------------------

What happened to Maru that made her want to sleep with me? I wondered.

I looked down to see her head in my chest and heard cute little snores. 

How cute, Maru is just so adorable to me.. I smiled at my thought.

I wrapped my arms around her then fell into a deep sleep.


I heard a soft voice hum "Garra....Garra...Wake up silly..."

I opened my eyes to see Maru very close to my face, staring at me.

I blushed "Maru!" I backed up away from her.

"Garra what's wrong?" she said while popping a Teddy Graham in her mouth.

"Nothing, you just surprised me that's all"

She put a Teddy Graham up to my mouth.

"Open" she sweetly demanded.

I did as I was told, and she put a Teddy Graham in my mouth.

"So Garra what are we going to do today?" she asked with 5 Teddy Grahams in her mouth.

I laughed and wiped some crumbs away from her cheek "Well I have some work to do today, maybe around 5:30 we can do something together.."

"Well that's great!" she hollered with excitement.

All I could do was smile at her...

Your POV---------------------------------

After a couple minutes of silence I finally said something "Well what time do you have to leave?"

"Hmm...what time is it?"

I looked at the clock "It's 7:30 a.m"

Garra got up and put on his kazekage coat.

"I have to be there by 7:45, I'll see you later..."

Garra walked out to attend to his important duties.


Authors note: So how am I doing so far? This is my first story so...I hope I'm doing well, and if this was a book to sell, I would be rich. and my rapping is easy, I do it when I'm napping, and I be spinning it all the time, and I think I'm pretty fine, so get in the back of the line, you'll be number sixty nine!

xD Lmao random! 

and there will be a new character that falls in love with Maru...can you guess who? ;)

I like horrible random rapping, wanna be friends? :P

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