Chapter 4

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I was legitimately surprised at how sweet she was, much unlike all of Josh's exes.

I wasn't supposed to be going out of the apartment that much but, Rosemary needed to go grocery shopping and I told her I'd go and also help pay.

She drove me to mine and Josh's flat to get my wallet that, being the genius I am, left at my flat.

"Stay here." I told her, being over cautious about who might be in there.


I got out and walked to the door, hesitant about unlocking it.

To my dismay, I opened the door to find that the place had been completely ransacked. I heard shuffling upstairs and froze in terror. I was about to turn around and run back out when I heard a muffled scream. I looked to see Josh, sitting in the kitchen, in front of the island with a gag in his mouth and his hands tied behind his back.

I darted to the front door and motioned for Rosemary to call the police before rushing back in to help Josh. I pulled the gag out of his mouth and was freaking out inside.

"JOSH!!!!" I screamed in a low whisper.

"Shhh! Shhh!" He said, "I'm fine, but, he's upstairs, you've GOT to stay quiet!"

Before I could say anything else, I heard whoever was here, coming down the stairs.

"Hurry, hide!!!" Josh said.

I put the gag back in his mouth and quickly kissed his forehead before hiding behind the island in the kitchen. I trembled in fear as I looked at the massive knives that were scattered all around me on the floor.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" The same voice that threatened me on the phone yelled at Josh.

I struggled to keep my sobs quiet.

"I DON'T KNOW I TOLD YOU!!" Josh yelled back.

I heard a thud and knew my father's fist had connected with Josh's face. I cringed, unable to just sit here and let him hurt Josh like this.

I grabbed the biggest butcher knife I could find and stood up.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" I screamed.

"And look at the little piece of trash we have here." The massive man said with an evil grin on his face.

He started walking around the island towards me. Instinctively, I walked the other way.

"What do you think that's going to do for you?" He asked, nodding towards the knife in my hand before pulling out a gun, cocking it, and pointing it directly at me.

"Drop the knife." He commanded.

"Let Josh go!!!" I said, practically in tears.

"Ooh, now you're defending your little friend? Eh?"

He pulled the trigger, the bullet missing my head by a mere inch and a half.

Naturally, I screamed and dropped the knife.

"There, it's about time for you to listen to me!"

Josh had managed to turn, just enough so he could see what had happened. He started yelling, which I was sure would've been some not so nice words had he not had a gag in his mouth.

I was completely frozen in terror as the creep made his way around behind me. He grabbed my wrists and tied them behind my back.

"'My Rock'? Is this your little rock?" He whispered against my neck.

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