Chapter 6

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Your alarm started ringing at 10 in the morning, you straight away hit the snooze button out of habit but then realised you were spending the whole day with you frigging idol Tom Holland! You straight away leaped out of bed (which was really comfy) and got dressed in a nice jumper and jeans. You did your makeup, because you had some time to spare, and it was the only thing you could really do except binge watch a whole season in a night and eat more Ben and Jerry's than was humanly possible. Then you heard a knock on the door...

You brushed yourself off from all the powders that had flown everywhere, then went to open to door, you swung it open and Tom was standing there with Harrison, who they obviously didn't know I knew. "Hey, y/n, this is Harrison!"

"Hi nice to meet you! I'm err y/n!"

"Nice to meet you!"

You led the two through your trailer and gave Harrison a chair to sit on and started to do Tom's makeup. Then you noticed Tom was staring at your reflection in the mirror, but not staring like proper staring at you. You made direct eye contact with him and he awkwardly looked away, Harrison was just sitting in the corner of the room on his phone.

"So um.. y/n h-h-how are you?" Tom said in his awfully cute voice that made your heart melt.

"I'm good thanks, what about you?" I was definitely a bit more confident than Tom was, which was strange, like the way he was acting.

He scratched the back of his neck " Umm yeah, I'm err good."

You turned around to check on Harrison who hadn't said a word for 15 minutes, he looked up at you looked at Tom, looked back to you, then winked. You raised one eyebrow in discombobulation, you think Harrison was giving you hints but you were in disbelief to them being true.

So you took matters into your own hands "So Tom... are there any 'special' ladies in your life?"

He suddenly jumped out of a sort of trance he was in and started coughing " What?!"

"Any 'special' ladies in your life?" You nudged him slightly with your elbow.

"Well I have a particular liking to this one girl, she's super sweet and pretty and nice and gorgeous and I could go on for days!" He had a glaze in is eyes, you wondered who the lucky girl 

"Well who is it then?"

He glared across the room to Harrison, who winked then left the trailer with no explanation.

"What.. Where's Harrison going?!"

"Umm.. no where." You could see his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink, which was incredibly adorable, also his forehead began to sweat a lot.

"Who is it?" You began to get kinda nervous.

Tom looked you directly in the eyes "You."


Thanks for reading my next part! Finally got some better tom action, although this part was quite short, sorry guys, next one will be longer! I'll also refer to Harrison as Haz in the next part.

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