Loving you

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Loving someone with a depression wasn't easy.

Emily was amazing and Wes adored her but sometimes he worried he wasn't the best choice for her.

What if he wasn't doing enough? Or  wasn't understanding enough?

What if he wasn't good enough for her?

She deserved the absolute Best.

Today must have Been a good day for her  because she was smiling and looking at Wes like he was her entire world

They were out on a date for valentines day. They were at a Theme park.

He couldn't believe how lucky he was that she was dating  him of all people

They had been on most of the rides so far and they were taking a break from the rides to eat some food.

Wes was watching Emily ramble on about her family back in Denmark excitedly.

Her eyes were a glowing beautifully in the sunlight and she was smiling at him

' What's on your mind bright eyes ' she asked and poked Wes shoulder

'Huh' Wes asked and looked at her

'What's wrong?'


'Definetly something'

Wes didn't say anything. He knew that his insecurities were just in his head. That What he felt wasn't Real.

He didn't want to keep things from her either because that's how their misunderstandings began in the first place.

He wasn't going to keep things from her though but he didn't want to cause unnecessary problems between Them just because he was insecure.

'You don't have to tell me babe... here try some of This killer Cherry icecream'

Boze, Mari and Emily were out having lunch and chatting.

' how are things with Wes going Em?' Mari asked

' incredibly for the most part but..'

'But What?' Boze and Mari asked

' he seems to be going through something but i don't know What as he won't tell me...'

' Maybe he isn't ready to tell you' Boze Said

'Yeah just give him time and he will open up'

'I hope so. I really do... I mean I won't pressure him to talk about it I'm just a little worried' Emily sighed

'We know Em. Hang in there okay'

Emily and Wes were guests in another show with no name but it was a special edition of the show and they were playing the newlywed game or 'how well do you know your partner game' with Shayne being the host.

Their fans loved seeing them together in videos and shipped them and the Smosh squad and Smosh games liked teasing them all the time.

' welcome to a special episode of show with no name today's am here with Wes and Emily or Wemily as you are often referred to by our fans' Shayne said and looked into the camera

'Hi guys' Wes said and waved

'Sup my babes'

'Today we are here to play a who knows their partner the best'

'So essentially  the Newlyweds game' Emily asked

'Yes more or less'

'What is your partners biggest fear?'

Lovestruck -(Wes x reader)- book twoWhere stories live. Discover now