Little black book

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Some days were just too overwhelming for Emily. The days would usually start out  fine but then get worse as it progressed

The idea of not being enough was too much to bear. Especially today.

Wes had slept over at her place. He did that often.

He did it so often that even Luna Got used to his Company now. She would cuddle up in his lap more than she would in Emily's. That traitor.

Today everything was just too much. Everything was draining, everything was hard.

Wes had gone to the gym so Emily was alone with her thoughts. She had given him her Keys so he could let him back into the apartment later.

She Got out her Black note book out and wrote her thoughts Down. She usually wrote Down her deepest darkest thoughts Down. It was the kind of thoughts she couldn't tell anyone Else, the kind of thoughts that would worry anyone sick to their stomach.

She didn't want anyone to worry about her though so she put her feelings Down in the notebook instead.

She had been writing Down all her feelings and had started writing goodbye letters to everyone she loved.

Wes's letter was the hardest to write.

She wrote for What seemed like hours though. After she was done she went into the bathroom to shower.


Wes used the key Emily had given him to get back into the appartment and went into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee.
As he was getting a cup out of the cupboard and unto the counter he accidentally knocked over a Black notebook

He went to Pick it up but noticed his name on the page.

Dear Wes.

This is the hardest letter i have ever had to write. I've been in a lot of pain lately. Too much pain to Bear. There are times when i feel like i can't breathe or i can't sleep and i Think about how much better the World would be without me.

I'm doing my best to fight the feeling but it keeps getting harder and harder and sometimes it's all too much.

I love you and have treasured every moment with you. I love you more than anything in the entire world.

No matter what don't ever doubt that.

It's all way too much though. I'm sorry. Don't blame yourself. But I need the pain to end.

I'll always love you

Goodbye my love


Wes felt his whole body shake as he flipped through the notebook. There were letters to everyone. Her family. All her friends.

Wes felt sick to his stomach. He didn't know what to do or how to react.

He wasn't sure how to deal with that information. He didn't want to jump to conclusions or confront her about it yet. It might be nothing more than a thought.

He didn't have a long time to think about his options as he could hear Emily turn off the shower. He closed the notebook and put it back on the counter and he finished making his coffee.

'Oh you're back already ' Emily said in a surprised tone of voice as she went over to Wes and kissed him on the cheek and smiled at him

She had gotten dressed and her wet hair was hanging lose and framing her face

He pulled her into a hug and held unto her with a strong grip


He didn't say anything just held her closer

'Is everything o-'

' I love you so much '

'I love you too bright eyes '

Something was off. Emily could feel it.

She had been around Wes enough to know his tells- to know when he wasn't being honest with her.

She didn't want to pressure him into opening up about What was wrong so she Said nothing

Maybe the other shoe was about to drop?

She didn't say anything or do anything though

Something was wrong

Very wrong


I'm sorry This Update is so short and that it took forever! A lot has happened in my personal life - i Will try to finish the story- it Will be a lot shorter than the first book

I'm really happy to see that you all are still enjoying book one and once again thank you for all the support i love you guys xx

Lovestruck -(Wes x reader)- book twoWhere stories live. Discover now