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The supernatural have been brought out of hiding; the humans are bewildered- and frightened.

Upon learning that werewolves and vampires really don't exist, rather creatures that have both animal and humanoid attributes, the humans grow fearful of the more animalistic part of the supernatural. In order to keep both humans and supernaturals safe, mankind has built sanctuaries, reserves and national parks to keep the creatures inside.

Over time, scientists have noticed that some of the creatures are showing signs of gaining human intelligence, such as human speech and understanding, and are creating something similar to civilizations and communites. Scientists were ecstatic, and in hopes to breed this intellegence further, were searching the world to find breeding pairs of every intellegent creature.

Sadly, the scientists have found that some types and breeds of creatures have shown no signs of improvement on intelligence. With these creatures, they treat similar normal animals and beasts, not caring for them unlike their more 'intelligent' counterparts.

And thus, we begin our story.


Okay, so for those who don't understand, mythical and supernatural creatures have been discovered. But because of their animal/humanoid crossing, most creatures still behave like animals.

However, some species of creatures have been showing signs of human intelligence, and scientists want to further this, by breeding 'intelligent' creatures with other 'intelligent' creatures of the same species.

Everybody understand? Then let's get started on our story...

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