Good manners

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One month later
It was an ongoing battle between Conner's disobedience and Amanda's patience. Week after week it was the same Conner would behave most of the time but still get riled up enough to the point were Amanda would have to go to either the school or day care to calm him down. It was as if Conner was testing her Amanda couldn't imagine why. The two of them were basically family he opened up to her about his fears and doubts, he spent the night with her when he had nightmares. So why was he testing her? The only conclusion Amanda could come to was that since his mother wasn't around to be tested Amanda was the next best thing. That scared her if Conner started to see her as his mother he wouldn't listen to his real one later in life. She had a talk with the school councilor and when he was praised for being good and not hitting his reply was.

"Hurting bad."
"That's right Conner you're getting much better at listening." The teacher said giving him a gold star when his teacher asked about the change in behavior he replied. "Because Amanda said so." Now to anyone else that would have just sounded like a friend was telling him it's not nice to treat others badly but to Amanda the fact he had said because she said so and not because his mother said so was a little concerning.

That evening she sat on the sofa and called for Conner. He came Running in and Amanda picked him up and sat him on her lap. "Conner buddy, we need to talk." Conner looked at his sitter Amanda smiled as she gently ran her fingered through his hair. "You're not in trouble bud, we just need to talk about a few things first off you're day care is closed for two weeks for construction so I'll be picking you up after school." Conner looked happy at this but that happiness left as soon as she said I'll drive you home then Katja or Alissa are going to watch after you. I'll be home after I'm finished filming but I expect you to be good for them."

Conner frowned he heard this he'd met Alissa Violet and Katja they seemed nice and fair like Amanda. Alissa seemed fun and full of energy she was very pretty. Katja seemed calm and gentle she also was very pretty had a great singing voice. Conner agreed to try and behave for her friends. "Okay second I want you to keep fallowing rules you're doing really well at school and day care but I want you to fallow them not because I say so but because your supposed to, understand?" Amanda asked Conner nodded after that Amanda allowed him to go play.

Amanda did a vlog for a bit saying she would be more active on Twitter for the next two weeks because of Conner. She even gave him some camera time recording them doing things togeather. As they sat down for launch Conner went for a piece of pita bread that was out of his reach he started to climb the counter and was standing on it when Amanda saw him. She panicked! Was he crazy? He could get hurt her little guy could hit his head if he fell from that hight. Wait since when was Conner hers? She may have just begun to process the thought but over the last month she began to see Conner as her own son, her baby. With all these thoughts running through her mind she reacted. She had completely forgot the camera was on Amanda put it down walked over. "Conner we don't climb on the counter, if you fall you can get seriously hurt!" She scolded picking him up and setting him on the floor. "If you need something ask me, what is it you wanted?"

"That." Conner said as he pointed at the pita bread she was eating earlier. Amanda laughed and tore a small piece of it before she handed it to him she made him say please she figured teaching him good manners was as important as teaching him right from wrong. After he asked politely she handed him the bread which he ate quickly then begun to eat the sandwiches she had made for them. Sitting back down she noticed her camera was still on she reached over and shut it off.

After launch she decided to vlog more most of the video footage was of her and Conner playing board games, putting him down for a nap and  the two cuddling and talking. Later As Amanda got his bath ready she turned her camera off she figured she had enough footage for the video. She waited while Conner bathed for a while after about ten minutes she knocked on the door "Conner buddy it's time to get out." Conners reply was he wanted five more minutes. She smiled "Conner if you stay in there any longer your toes will turn into raisins." She said with a laugh "but aqua man hasn't saved the day yet!" He yelled back referring to his bath toy action figure. Amanda rolled her eyes as she heard what sounded like someone slipping fallowed by an "ow!"

"Conner do you need help getting out?" She asked as she opened the door Conner nodded looking embarrassed Amanda still smiling shook her head of corse he was embarrassed he was naked and she was about to see him so. "Okay champ I'm going to drain the tub then I'm going to close my eyes and hand you the towel. Once my eyes are closed wrap your self in the towel and say okay and I'll lift you out." She said trying to make him feel more comfortable about her being there while he was naked. After rolling up her sleeves she drains the water and closed her eyes as she handed him the towel.

"Okay." Came Conner's small voice she opened her eyes and lifted Conner up. As she carried him to his bed she smiled at him she then helped him into his pj's. After tucking him in she kissed his forehead. "Okay Con you get some sleep." As she turned around she felt something tug her shirt. "Amanda can I ask you a question?" Amanda turned to him and smiled "of course." She replied she was ready to answer any questions except the one that he asked.

"Why doesn't mommy love me?"

Amanda Cerny babysittingWhere stories live. Discover now