Amanda tames the beast pt 1.

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Later that evening, Amand walked into her apartment. Katja was as much of a sister  to her as her real sister, but this was one of those times when she really was. Amanda was thankful their apartments were close, in a way. She and Katja. had grown very close after they met through vine, and even now that they just had YouTube and she filmed with her, it was still so easy to see Katja as an advisor on things.

"Hey, thanks again, Katja, for offering to help Monday." Katja smiled, and they sat on her bed. "Conner really is a challenge. Remember that time his mother called me to one of those fancy parties last week?"

"I sure do. I think Conner was a little surprised you didn't spank him, after all he'd been doing." Katja put an arm around Amanda, who looked downcast. Conner had improved, and it seemed like he listened to Amanda pretty well, but Katja knew Amanda still worried about that. "I know you've hated doing that, even the few times you did."

"You're right, Katja. Nobody's ever done it or even considered it in our family. I think he was more shocked than anything last Week; that's why he sat in the corner and I didn't have to give even those light swats like you suggested doing earlier, like I did that time before." Katja agreed. "But, a few times it just felt like I had no other choice."

The singer tried to cheer her up by saying, "And, maybe you didn't. He's been a real rebel, and had a really rough exterior. He's becoming a little more subdued now, though, with your friendship."

Amanda agreed. "Just light slaps have worked since the one time last month..." She'd given Conner a series of light slaps that didn't hurt...for long, at Katja's suggestion, after repeated warnings about not vandalizing the daycare's stuff a month ago. As a result Conner needed a pillow to sit on for a few minutes while in time out."Of course, then I had to warn him my hand could be at a much higher level."

"Right, see, even then he was becoming more sensitive. He cried a bit even with that tough exterior. You might not have to do it at all, even with him never having rules at his house otherwise," Katja proclaimed.

"Maybe not." Amanda sighed. "I sure hope I don't, anyway. Because I know, and he knows I know, that I'll do anything to get him to stop being so rebellious like Jake and Logan are I mean, at first, he was way worse than they ever could be." Katja raised an eye brow and gave her friend a 'you're joking' look. "Okay he wasn't that bad, but trust me it was close. "Maybe he's afraid Mt. Amanda will explode again." Katja joked. "Well I do get loud when I'm angry." Amanda replied with  a smile. "You know most kids his age just need to be given a look from an adult to know they've crossed the line." Katja said sadly. "I think Conner knows what he can and can't get away with when it comes to you and I however Alissa might be another story."

"Why do you say that?" Katja asked.
"Well  it just seems she might be less firm with him then we are." Amanda stated worried a bit Alissa was very laid back and kind of silly. She found kids as adorable as puppy's, all it would be was play time with her. If Conner listened to her that is, the big question was would he listen? Amanda really hoped so. He got along great with Katja and even her sister Sam  who had also offered to help with these thoughts in her mind she began to worry. Sam's help was welcomed but she had very little patients when it came to certain things.


Monday came to soon for Amanda's liking. Katja, Sam and Amanda had been discussing video idea's and ways to get Conner to interact with others when the phone rang. "Maybe you're right," Amanda said as Sam went to pick it up. "If Conner goes to day camp, and sticks with A friend at that camp some of the other kids go to, like We did when we were his age, he might be able to handle it. It's a long way away for here though..." Amanda hedged, remembering her own anxiety at that age, even at day camp.

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