Not one but two mommy's

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It had been a week since the talk between Conner's mom and Amanda. even though she had enforced rules regularly Conner still tested boundaries. Amanda looked at the young boy who greeted her with a hug when she arrived to pick him up. "Hey buddy, good to see you." She said after the hug ended. "Did you're mom tell you the good news?" She asked. Conner nodded Amanda smiled and said that they would talk when they got home.

As Amanda and Conner arrived at the house Amanda looked at the boy and smiled. "So how was school buddy?" She asked Conner shrugged saying it was okay. Amanda sat on the sofa "okay, I want to talk to you about what your mother told you." She said as Conner sat next to her.  "I'm going to be around a lot more often, meaning I'll be picking you up at daycare once it is opened again." Amanda explained how she would be around a lot more and more involved in his life. "I want you to understand that the rules your mom sets will be enforced by me and I expect them to be fallowed even when I'm not here. Do you Understand?" Conner nodded and smiled as Amanda hugged him. "Good boy, now go watch tv while I get launch ready." She said and smiled as he went in the other room.

Amanda felt as if she were in heaven, sure she had nieces and nephew's and little cousins like everyone else but Conner was a different story. Conner felt like a son to her. And while he still challenged her authority she normally gave him a stern no along with "I'm going to count to five." That always seemed to be enough. Another plus to spending more time with Conner was she  could find more activities for them to do togeather. Just the two of them, she heard a crash in the other room and quickly ran to see what the commotion was about. She saw a Lego set on the floor, relieved that he was okay but a little annoyed about the mess. Amanda then noticed a stool and that the Lego case had been pretty high "Conner, what's the rule about standing on things to get something that you can't reach?" she asked sternly Conner looked down "to ask you to get it?" He said quietly.

"that's right, now you can play with the Legos but you have to clean up when your done."

"0kay Mandy." The boy said. 
Amanda smiled then seeing a picture of the two of them he had drawn  and a note for a school project it was a fill in the blank one
She read it.

1.What I want in life is________. favorite thing is spending time with Mandy.
3. I love my mommy and nanny
4. I wish Amanda was my mommy.
5. My favorite color is blue.

She wiped away a tear and walked over to the boy and placed a kiss on his head. "I love you too Conner." She whispered. And she did
M's Burke was right the bond the two had formed was one that could never be broken. Conner had not one but two mommy's both who loved him very much.

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