To much energy

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Saturday arrived and it was a warm day, predicted to be hot by afternoon. Amanda considered what to wear and decided on shorts and a sleeveless blouse. Picking up her bag, making sure she'd put all her stuff inside, she headed out the door for the 4 block walk to the Apartment she was going to babysit a boy for. It was bright and sunny; it was going to be a waste to spend it all indoors. But then Conner and his mother's apartment overlooked the beach, so maybe they could spend some time outside. She hoped so!
Conner Kreuk on the other hand was sitting at the kitchen table, wearing running shorts and a t-shirt, having just finished his breakfast, he just sat looking out at the beach through the big patio doors, wondering what this sitter was going to be like and wishing he could spend the day on the beach not here in the house. His daydreaming was interrupted by the doorbell. He looked at the clock and it was 8:55, 'Guess that's Amanda, hope she's nice and not cold like that other lady.' Was what Ran through his mind, as he stood and headed for the door.

At the door there was a momentary standoff. His mother opened the door and there stood Amanda looking like an Amazon in his mind, looking nothing like the other sitters did at school. His eyes swept over her incredibly long legs, slim but well toned, and up over her bare arms and noted how she looked like an angel, he then loomed up to her face which was sporting a smile, verging on a smirk. "Amanda hi our last sitter got sick and you said when we met at the mall you wouldn't mind watching him for the weekend. Conner say hello. "Uh Hi Miss... Amanda..." he stuttered, Amanda thought the kid was to cute to be real. "come in Amanda please make yourself at home." conners mother said stepping back so the girl could walk in.

After giving Amanda a set of rules and giving her the number to contact her conners mother walked out the door. Amanda kneeled down next to Conner.

"Hi Conner," she said with a big smile, "Ready to have some fun?"

"Uh...yeah, I guess... Mo...Mommy, didn't say I was supposed to do anything for you... hope I wasn't supposed to read or study something... she didn't say..." he stumbled as he looked up at her. Her 6 ½" height difference even more obvious at close range than he'd ever considered before.

"Actually you didn't need to do anything for me, except have an open mind and be good," she said moving past him into the hallway. "Today is all about you and we have chance to get to know each other. The better we know each other, the easier it will be to work together right?" She put her stuff on a nightstand. "How about you give me a tour.

"We're we eat." He pointed and lead her around the house This is my room it's kinda a small but mommy says when I'm bigger my room will get bigger." Amanda realized she needed a place to work and asked the boy if there was a place were she could set up her laptop. The boy lead her to the sitting room "is this good table. was the nervous reply.

Smiling, Amanda put her hand on his shoulder. "Relax Kid-o, I don't bite; this is fine." She said giving his shoulder a little squeeze, then added, "But I do yell when boys are bad, but that's not going to be needed is it?"

", Amanda.... I be good... " he shyly replied just above a whisper while blushing.

"Oh I made you blush. That's so cute!" Don't worry sweetie, we'll get along fine, now how about we just sit and talk some, then we can have some fun, OK?" She said, then walked deeper into the hall and turned into the living room and sat on a cushy chair. Conner followed her in and sat facing her on the sofa, his nervousness obvious. Looking over at him, "Conner why are you so nervous I won't hurt you? I've only been here for a couple of minutes?"

Amanda Cerny babysittingWhere stories live. Discover now