18: he is kind after all

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Dear.. someone,

I'm still staying at home due to me passing out and I've been stressing out because I'm missing so much work from school. I can't afford to get a bad grade already so early in the beginning of the year but my mother insists I stay home for a bit.
Something that surprised me though was that not Taehyung, but Yoongi, came to deliver my missing homework. I don't even know how he knows where I live but either way I'm grateful.
Yoongi got to look around my house also, he looked tense which made me sad. It kinda reminds me about how he stared at me when I passed out in class, very scary.
Yoongi told me to sleep well and eat a lot till I'm full, pretty ironic, I didn't think someone I barely knew cared so much.

I ate the same as yesterday, but a little more. I felt bad that Yoongi cared so I ate a bit more, I feel terrible that I did that but I can't change it.

-Park Jimin

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