Chaos Rising

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Chelsea's P.O.V.

I was out on a walk alone trying to clear my head. After the whole kanima situation, I thought we would be able to continue our life as regular teenagers, but after learning about this Alpha pack, I know it won't be happening any time soon.

I finally reached a park bench and just sat there. I look up at the moon for comfort. You might be thinking, 'shouldn't werewolves hate the moon?' Well, yeah, but for me the illuminating moon is an orphic object that makes me feel more alive. 

I was just staring at the moon fantasizing about my future when I heard this noise coming from the trees behind me. I turn my head slightly, but kept my eyes on the moon. A few seconds pass and I suddenly felt the hairs on my neck stand up. Someone touched my shoulder and a switch flipped inside me. I grabbed the person's hand, flipped them over the bench, and straddled them. I raise my fist to punch them in the face, but I stop myself when I realize who I was straddling.


His hands were up in a surrendering position, "Don't hit me!"

I lowered my fist, "What the fuck! Why would you sneak up on me?" 

"I didn't mean to scare you." His eyes were still wide.

I get off of him, "You didn't scare me." I extend my hand out to him and he takes it.

"Yeah okay." He smirks as he straightens out his clothes.

I crossed my arms over my chest obviously not amused with his disbelief. We both stay quiet, staring right into each other's eyes although I couldn't see them clearly. I can tell he's trying to figure me out, but why?

"You gonna keep staring at me?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He clears his throat, "What are you doing here all alone?"

"I should be asking you same thing." I purse my lips. 

"I was out on a walk, you?"

"I was moon watching." I point at the moon.

"Moon watching?" He raises an eyebrow confused.

"It's a thing." I nod. "It's my thing."

"That's cute." He smiles.

"Thanks." I chuckle awkwardly. We stood there staring at each other for a few seconds until I break the silence. "Well, I think I'll go home now since it's getting late." 

"I'll walk you home." He offers and I nod.

We both walk home in silence until we reached the entrance of my building.

"Thank you again for walking me home." I smiled at him.

"No problem." He smiled back.

I kissed his cheek and said goodnight. I walk into my building and took the elevator to my floor. Once inside the apartment, I realized that dad wasn't even home neither was Allison. I went into my room and looked out my window to see him walking away.

'He literally stood outside the whole time as I made my way up to my home. But why?' I thought. 

Not only was that the only thing that crossed my mind.

'Why would he lie to me? Why would Aiden pass himself off as Ethan?' I thought.

~ ~

We all were in a classroom in school talking about the Alpha pack. Derek showed up to see the bruises on both Lydia's and Allison's forearms. 

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