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"I don't want to leave, dad. I want to stay." I insist for the tenth time hoping he gives in.

"You don't have to go." He sighs finally giving in.

I smile, "I talked to Melissa and she said I can stay with her and Scott."

"Okay." He nods.

I threw myself at him.

"I'm going to miss you." I tear up.

"I'm going to miss you too. Just remember that Aiden and Allison are always with you. They love you." 

"Allison loves you too." I remind him.

"Take care." He puts me down.

"You too." I say as he got into a cab.

Isaac walks up to me and I stare right into those bright blue eyes.

"You sure you want to go?" I question.

"I think it's time I leave Beacon Hills and explore the world." He nods bringing me into hug. "I'm definitely going to miss you."

"Me too but you can always call or text me if anything." I remind him.

"Isaac, we have to go." My dad calls from inside the cab.

"Take care." I tell him.

"You too." He gives me one last hug before walking to the cab. He opens the door and stops to look at me. "Aiden was a good guy."

It brought a tear to my eye.

He got in and the cab took off. Scott walks up from behind me and hugs me.

"You okay?" He asks.

"I will be." I reply.

Ethan then appeared on his bike with a truck behind him. He got off and I ran to him to hug him.

"Do you have to go too? We could always find an apartment and live together." I offer.

"This is the right thing to do." He says and I nod understanding.

"I got you something and I know Aiden would want you to have it." He says as this guy brought over Aiden's bike.

"No." I say looking at Ethan

"Yes." He smiles.

"I can't." I felt like crying.

"You can." He nods. "It's for you." 

I hugged him one more time.

"I'll miss you." 

"I'll miss you too." He says back. "Keep in touch if anything." 

I nod as he got back on his bike and left. 

"I'll put it in the garage." Scott starts to walk over but I stop him.

"No. Leave it." I stare at the bike before looking at him. "Let's head inside."

He nods and we walk into the house together. I went straight to my new room. I laid in bed and thought about everything that has happened since we moved to Beacon Hills. Me turning into a werewolf, becoming best friends with Scott, Stiles, Jackson and Lydia. The kanima, hunters, my mom dying, Erica and Boyd dying, the alpha pack, the darach, the twins becoming my best friend, dating Aiden, our first kiss, my first time, me becoming an alpha, my dad almost becoming a sacrafice, becoming friends with Kira, saving Malia and befriending her, the nogitsune and lastly Allison and Aiden dying. 

A regular teenager would go insane experiencing. I guess I'm not a regular teenager, but I want to be. I'm going to make it through all of this. I'm going to start a regular teenage life. I want to be a doctor. I need to focus on school and not focus on the supernatural nor boys. 

Do I really have an elastic heart

He wants me to move on, but can I really? 

~The End~


I suck at epilogues I know :|

The second book is called Move On.

Elastic Heart~ Aiden/Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now