Letharia Vulpina

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Chelsea's P.O.V.


We rushed down to the front entrance of the hospital to see that Kira grabbed the wire and stopped it. Her eyes glowed a orange color. I saw Isaac on the floor and rushed to his side. 

"Isaac." I said holding him

I felt for a pulse but there was nothing.

"He's not breathing!" I shouted to Derek and Scott

Paramedics grabbed a gurney and placed him on it. They rushed him inside the hospital. 

"Chels, Stiles is missing." Scott informs me.

End Of Dream

I woke up and saw Allison still sleeping. 

"Been here all night?" 

I look to my right to see Scott walking towards me with his mom.

I rub my eyes, "Yeah. They won't let us see him since we're not family. I told them he has no family."

"Well he's got us and I got a key card." Melissa holds up the key card.

I woke Allison up and we went to Isaac's hospital room. 

Melissa opens the doors, "Be quick." 

I walked over to Issac's side and noticed he's not healing. "I thought he'd be healing by now." 

"So did I." Scott says standing at the other side of Isaac.

I took Isaac's hand.

"Is he in pain?" 

"Yeah." I nod.

Scott took his other hand and we began to take some of his pain. Isaac's head moved a little when we took the pain. 

Scott inhales sharply, "It won't heal him but it'll help him with the pain."

"Did Stiles really do this?" Allison asks uncertain if he did or not.

"No." I shook my head. "Whatever is controlling him did it. Whatever is inside him." 

"Well, then how do we get whatever is inside of him the hell out of him?" Allison asks impatiently. 

"We're working on it." Scott tells her.

~ ~

I changed into my running clothes and headed inside the locker room with the lacrosse players. Coach handed me a Get Well card for Isaac. I wrote my note and held it in my hands as Coach blew the whistle catching everyone's attention. 

"Listen up! Anybody catches the slightest glimpse of Stilinski, you contact the first available teacher. Got it? GOT IT!" Coach yells.

"Yes, Coach." The team replies

"Argent has a card for Isaac Lahey. Everyone of you losers is not only going to sign it, you're going to write a personal message so profound and deep, it's going to bring a Coach's eye." Coach points the pen to his eye. "Who's first?" 

Danny got up and I handed him the card.

"Ah Danny! That's how you do it buddy. Keep it PG." Coach points a finger at everyone.

I walked over to the twins and Scott.

"No Stiles, no demonic ninjas." Aiden spoke.

"It's getting too quiet." Ethan adds.

"I know it's making me nervous too." Scott sighs.

"Why do I hear one of my dad's emitters." I say looking down at the floor.

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