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I could guess that after being captured, the big muscular Uvogin was riling to fight the blond boy, both to assert his dominance and to feel the thrills of a fight with a good nen user.

It wasn't such a hard thing to figure out, Uvogin was an enhancer, him wanting a fair fight against the red eyed beauty was as clear as the sky on the next day. I woke up rather late, but it was ok as I still had time, the one I was interested in was Kurapika. How did I find out his name? Well, a small lady with a very pleasant and low voice was screaming it as he left, his face filled with a turmoil of emotions.

Being the curious Y/N I was, I followed him. He arrived in a deserted place, the sun was setting and I decided to intensify my zetsu, to make myself less noticeable as I climbed to one of the big highland-like structures around the place. Uvogin showed up, thrilled to fight and the battle soon started. Listening to their screams and beautiful moves, I learnt more about Kurapika.

His clan was murdered by the Spiders for their rare crimson eyes and he was on a revenge quest to retrieve all the eyes of his loved ones. A noble story indeed. He was strong but lacked experience. How many restrictions did his power have? Some incredibly harsh ones I could bet.

I held my breath as the judgement chain pierced Uvogins heart. Watching from afar, I noticed the chains using Gyo but in the fight I'd probably be caught, just like the big dude.

When Kurapika lost his patience and killed Uvogin, I felt sad. Not because I particularly liked Uvogin, even though enhancers have this unusual charisma to make people like them, but because killing wouldn't make a difference to Kurapika. He was cleaning his clan's blood with more blood. How was that right? I slowly shook my head as I saw Kurapika bury one of the Spiders, I remained sitting as the night grew darker. After what I thought was one hour after Kurapika left, I got up grabbed some flowers and said my goodbyes to Uvogin.

How would the Spiders react to Uvogin's loss? Would they keep going as if nothing happened? Would they seek revenge and spill more blood?

I wandered around town until it was nearly lunchtime, my mind hazy, body numb, thinking about this dark side of the world that no one knows. Only nen users got to do things like this, yet nen users were such a small percentage of this world. People were living their lives blinded, not knowing the real advantage others had. Such a good plot but I had to think on how to hide the fact that it was true. Wouldn't want people after me for revealing the secret of Nen to the masses. Who would come after me if I did such a thing? Sooo many questions!!!

A limousine passed by and I felt a somewhat familiar aura, surprised, I looked at the vehicle disappear as it turned to the next road, trying to point out who could that be?

It wasn't Illumi for sure, but could the person be related to him? Who'd come to an auction city from such family? My mind warned me of the danger I could be in, I decided to go to the spider's headquarters to check out how they were doing.


Nobunaga and Machi left to pose as a couple to draw out the chain user. I guess they did care about each other like a family, the thought made me feel guilty. I knew who the chain user was, I knew what happened to Uvogin... This was exactly why Kurapika's view was wrong, now there were people seeking for revenge on his revenge. Not a nice cycle...

I was rolling around on a big piece of wall, ha! who would've thought, as Machi and Nobunobu~ returned. Two kids were with them and my eyes grew wide as I saw cold blue eyes, fair skin and white hair.

"Holy shit, you look just like your father!" I spouted, getting up and staring at the boy. My bet was that this boy was Killua, Kikyo talked a lot about her children when I was there.

Killua looked at me in surprise. His mind probably running at the speed of light to find out who I was. Hahah, this boy was definitely a Zoldyck.

"Y/N, who this?" I spun to see Feitan and to see a relieved Hisoka staring at the boys. Hoho, someone had stuff to hide. The magician's eyes fell on me and I smirked widely, winking at him before answering.

"Why Fei~, he's the brother of my potential fiancé", his eyes went wide and switched targets. I gazed at Killua too, seeing his pale face growing paler as he thought on what he had missed by running away. "Your mom misses you sooo much~ " and at that he shrieked.

Nobunaga who was having none of that after losing Uvogin, stopped my playtime. "Y/N these are matters of the Spiders, why are you even here?" The smile I had till moments ago disappeared, that was rather rude, sure I was doing nothing and he had just lost a dear friend, but still. Rolling my eyes, my gaze zigzagged between Hisoka, Killua and his friend. Landing on Hisoka, I winked to let him know that we had to talk and left the building the building.

So much stuff happening, I just couldn't keep up. Slightly pissed off, I walked back to the hotel to see a blue haired girl run past me. Poor girl tripped and fell, I helped her up.

"Oh my! Thank you so much. You see I'm... huh... late to the auction." She muttered before going back to running. Auctions huh... I stared at the entrance of my hotel, only to shrug and look for the place of the big auction.

It was heavily guarded from blocks away. Were they expecting thieves? Guess I was in the right place. 

Author's Note: Hello Hello Lovelies, ALMOST 10K WHAT??!??!?!?

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Author's Note: Hello Hello Lovelies, ALMOST 10K WHAT??!??!?!?

I didn't want to let reader-chan influence the storyline much u see... sooo I'm kind of in a hard spot right now buuut, everything will be fine I think (???) 

Sorry for not updating last week. T.T BUT I UPDATED TODAY SOOOOO.. YAY I MAY BE GETTING BACK ON TRACK... MAYBE....

also tell me if you're enjoying... I know there hasn't been any ILLUMI X READER YET... safaihsifauewfl sorry 

> Edited 13.02.2021 <

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