Chapter Ten: I Give Up On Me Too

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|| Cole Wentz || First Person's ||

I sit on the cold, salmon pink floor outside of the rollerblading rink. The music booms loudly throughout the gaming centre, and all of my friends and my brother are already out on the rink, their rollerblades or rollerskates already tied up. I lace the beige skates onto my feet, my fingers working the knots on the size seven boots.

"Hey, hey, you, you- I don't like your girlfriend!" Avril Lavigne blasts through the speakers, and I can't help but make a face while groaning internally. Talk about coincidental.

"Oh, Colby," Patrick's singsongy voice drags out my name as he skates towards the rink exit and nearly flips over. I burst out in laughter, my eyes crinkling when he grabs the wall to stop himself from falling.

"Shut up," he jokes, his face burning red. I bite my lower lip to stop myself from laughing anymore and spare him anymore embarrassment. He should be ashes by now from how much his face keeps flushing.

"Fine, fine," I raise my hands up in mock surrender, earning a small chuckle from Patrick. He carefully steps out of the rink and skids to a halt, carefully lowering himself into a squatting position. He adjusts my helmet over my hair slightly, his eyes twinkling.

"Why aren't you in the rink yet?" Patrick asks, his eyes locking with my own. I blush softly and look down in embarrassment.

"I'm gonna fall. I suck at skating," I mutter. Patrick, the moderately good rollerblader, puts his hands on his hips and gives me his best sassy face with a bit of attitude.

"With that attitude, you will." Patrick grins, letting his hand reach up for the wall. He pulls himself up to his feet before reaching down and taking my hand into his warm one. I use the support of him and the wall to stand up straight.

"I thought you knew how to skate?" Patrick laughs at me as he has to practically hold me so I don't go tumbling to the arena floor.

"Yeah, four years ago." I respond, clutching onto Patrick's hands as we slowly try to get over the little barrier between the rink and the salmon pink floor. After one foot's over, I nearly fall over and hit the floor, but Patrick's hold on me keeps me upright.

"I see," Patrick laughs at me, holding both of my hands after we're over together. I let him scoot back a bit and give me a bit of space.

"Oh my God, I'm going to fall and crack my head open and die!" I panic, squeezing his hands tightly. He lets out a laugh at my terror and simply tightens his grip on my hands.

"You'll be fine, okay? You have a helmet for a reason." Patrick says.

"Oh, really? I thought it was just there to make my hair look like shit afterwards." I say sarcastically, earning another laugh from Patrick. He slowly scoots backwards, pulling me with him. I can't help but feel my legs lose balance, and in a second, I find myself on the floor with Patrick right next to me. We burst out into laughter.

"Patrick," Elisa comes by, skating gracefully in her little pink summer dress. I can't help but let out a groan. "Come skate with me."

"In a bit, okay? I'm trying to teach Cole how to skate." He smiles at his girlfriend, pushes himself to his feet easily. He leans down and manages to pull me back up to my feet. Elisa's smile falters slightly after seeing our hands still intertwined.

I swear to God, Elisa needs to fucking disappear.

She presses her mouth onto Patrick's, catching him so off guard that he drops my hand.

It doesn't hurt.

It shouldn't hurt.

It really hurts.

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