Timmy or Remy?

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The new girl, Connie, was a tough one. She was made fun of for being the only girl in school that was a tomboy.

She had many personas that she treated like Timmy treats his fairies. one day...

"Hey NEW GIRL, why don't you have your own cellphone? I thought you said you're COOL!" One of Trixie's posse said. Tamara, one of Connie's 'personalities', was enraged. She was so mad, she spoke FOR Connie. "You rich kids are really lucky you even get to sit around and be lazy." She said in her trademark southern accent. "But why do you even bother to mess with me? I happen to be the toughest ten year old girl I know. And I happen not to have money or any so- called 'Magic' to protect me. Only I protect me." "Ugh. Whatever. I'll bet you don't even have your own mansion." Trixie walked back to her class. Her teacher was Mrs. K, but she was actually Mrs. F. She never wanted to tell anyone her real last name. Only Connie knew. 'Mrs. K' was her mom, which was why Connie attended the school. Connie promised not to tell anyone her mom's real name. SO YOU WILL NEVER FIND OUT SUCKAAAAS! Anyway, Connie's mom only wanted to be a teacher, and a strict one at that, because all of the teachers were either crazy (Like Mr. Crocker) Or not strict enough (Like Mrs. Snickerpoodle).

Connie sat down. You could tell immediately that her mom is where she got her toughness. She slammed a moderate level assignment on everyone's desk. It was new stuff that nobody in the class knew. This way, the kids actually learned something instead of just repeating the same thing. Timmy was walking back to class as well. He saw the whole scene. "Gee, sport. Trixie was a real jerk back there." Wanda, in the form of a pen, said. "Yeah. The new girl is really tough. Go new girl!" Cosmo said, also in the form of a pen. "So what do you think of her?" Poof asked, in the form of a pen as well. Timmy blushed. Poof can talk, a blessing and a curse. Timmy ignored him. He sat down in class. "C'Mon, bro. Seriously. You don't usually see a girl who can stand up for herself." He said. Timmy sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I can't believe that Trixie would do that. I feel sorry for the new girl being in Remy's class. He can be a pain in the" "F! YOU GET AN F FOR NOT PAYING ATTENTION!" Crocker slammed an F on Timmy's desk. Connie heard the commotion, being in the neighbor room. Oh, how she wanted to stand up to Crocker for Timmy. But her mom wouldn't let her. Connie focused on her work. It was now lunchtime. Every table was crammed with kids, including Remy's. His table had one unoccupied spot. Every fifth grade student had a table except for her. She saw Timmy sitting on the floor. She could sit on the floor and eat lunch with Timmy, which she was fine with. She could also sit next to Remy. He was actually way cute and was sitting at an actual table, and did look like he could use some cheering up.Tabitha didn't like it at all though. Tabitha was Connie's generous part. She disliked wealthy, snotty kids. She especially disliked greed. She didn't know what to do.

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