Secrets & Scars

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Sleepovers between boys and girls are usually considered a bad idea once they hit 6th grade, every parent knows that. Sam and Sonny didn't technically host sleepovers, especially since it would only be the two of them, but Misty's early evening comings and goings soon became a regular thing. About a week or so into her visits, Sonny's mom found about her current situation and insisted that she started staying overnight. It another week for Misty to take her up on that offer.

The first night she stayed Sam and Sonny were passing the guest room when Sam had the bright idea to play peeping Tom. Almost as soon as he did, his face fell. Sonny paused before peaking through the barely open door.

Misty stood several feet in, back to them and wearing one of Sarah's bras, but that wasn't what made them freeze. Her back was decorated in scars, it was as though someone had played paintball and the bruises were the paint. She rolled her shoulder with the faintest hiss of pain, teeth clenched. Bending over, she was about the grab the shirt Sarah let her borrow when she froze. Taking the shirt and pulling it on, she stood back up as straight as a board.

"It's been awhile since the last time someone tried peeping in on me. The feeling's still the same." She raised a hand, then a finger, and curled it at a steady speed. "In here, now, I know you're there." Sonny came in first, he was responsible that way, Sam was dragging his feet, Misty didn't look at all surprised to see them.

"So you both saw my scars." Neither replied, she flopped down on the bed. "You can't tell anyone." "Why not?" Sonny exclaimed. "You don't hide something as serious as that!" Her face was blank, unusually calm, before she spoke.

"I know you guys don't exactly believe in magic and the supernatural anymore but I'm gonna tell you this anyway. There are...certain things in this world that...don't make sense. And no matter how we many times we tell ourselves it's not happening or that it's a dream, it's still there in front of us. And no matter how many times we pinch ourselves it'll still be there.

"There are worst things in this world then guns and the people who wield them."

No one said anything as the last sentence sank in, it was as though someone had drawn a thick curtain over a bright sunny day. There wasn't anything else to say and the two boys soon drifted out the room with a dazed look in their eyes. Once they were gone, she went to the window and gazed out at the stars with dark eyes.

"This all your fault you stupid dummy."

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