Wish (Finally) Granted

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The two boys were walking home one day when Tommy and his goons decided to attack because they were bored and caught sight of their biggest victims. Things were about to get violent when a rock nailed Tommy in the back of the head.

"HEY!" All five heads turned to see the infamous red head standing several feet away with a slingshot in one hand. "What the hell, that hurt!" Tommy removed his hand from his skull to see red on his fingertips. "You made me bleed, I'm bleeding!" A slow creepy smile crept to her face, the kind that lit up her eyes in a way that made you freeze.

"That's fantastic." All three bullies went white before remounting their bikes and taking off down the road, passing her as they did which gave her the opportunity to jump at them and laugh at it. She watched them go and waited until they rounded the corner before turning back to the other two.

"You guys okay?" Sam was first to reply. "Yeah." Sonny snapped out of his trance. "We're okay thanks." She smiled, barely, before starting up her engine and turning away. Both boys jumped to their bikes and followed, one on either side.

"Why'd you save us?" Asked Sonny, she shrugged. "Seemed like the right thing to do." "Does that mean we're friends?" He wanted to slap his friend for the stupid question. The young woman sighed before stopping her bike, the boys stopped as well and waited for what she was going to say.

"I've you two around town before, the Junk Brothers right?" They both nodded, quick and nervous. "How's business?" They both looked the other way, she shook her head with a light smile. "That's what I thought." There was a pause.

"So where do you guys live?" Sonny was shocked at the question and couldn't reply, Sam gave Sonny's address without a second thought.

"Alright, here's what I'll do; if I want to be friends, I'll come over this even at six. If I don't, don't wait up." And with that she started up her scooter and rode off, leaving the two wondering.


"You guys talked to the town outcast?" From their spot in the couch, the two boys rolled their eyes at Sarah's frantic voice. "Yeah we did. Since when have you cared?" Her jaw dropped before she stormed over and slammed her hands down the back of the couch, scaring both of them.

"Since she became the most talked about thing in class since...ever! No one knows where she came from, she's not my school or any, she's the most talked about person in town and you guys talked to her. The next time that happens, make sure I'm with you." At that moment the doorbell rang. Sonny glanced at the clock on the wall to see it was exactly 6:00, he smiled slightly. "You're about to." He hopped up from the couch and went to the door. Upon opening it he found Misty on the front step with hair down.

"Hey." For a moment he just stood there. "Hey, you're...here." She rolled her eyes. "Don't sound so excited. Can I come in?" Wordlessly he stepped aside and with a smile she stepped in, paused to take her tall leather boots off, and strode into the living room. Sam caught sight of her first. "Misty!" Sarah saw her and went stiff as a board with eyes as big as dinner plates.

"Hey Sam, what are you playing?" She flopped down on the couch and he handed her the other controller. In several seconds they were playing as though they always had. Sonny joined in later and they tag teamed for awhile. Some time later when the sun was setting, Sarah and Sonny's mom came back.

"Hey kids, who's your friend Sarah?" Misty smiled and stood. "Well! I better get going, don't want to intrude on dinner. See you around Sonny and Sam!" And with that she went to the door and was soon heard riding off.

"Who was that?" Sarah was more then happy to explain, the boys were too stunned to speak.

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