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A/N: Before this starts.. I'll quickly say that.. I feel extra meme.. today :') SO that means this will be shit lmao hahahahaahahahahhaha yeah 


Third person pov

Jungkook was feeling a little uneasy, not by the fact his boyfriend wanted him in a sexual way - because that was normal... right? Jungkook couldn't help feeling like he was too inexperienced, because he haven't ever gone further than that lap-dance he gave Taehyung. Which honestly, was amazing for both parts. 

But Jungkook couldn't help feeling like it was his fault they haven't done anything, like Taehyung said 'he was waiting for him to say go'. He really trusted the older, but he still couldn't get himself to say 'go'. What if it hurts too bad?.. There were a lot of 'what if's' 

Jungkook was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even hear Taehyung entering their room. Taehyung cleared his throat to get the younger's attention, which clearly worked. Jungkook stared up at Taehyung with his large eyes with shock. 

"Uh- I didn't hear you entering.. I'm sorry.." he said in a small voice, lowering his head in the process. The atmosphere was clearly quite awkward, as Taehyung just stood there, eyeing the younger confused. 

"What did you want to talk about Jungkook-ah?" his deep voice sounding like angels in the younger's ears, he really did appreciate every little detail about the other. 

"It's just about all those chat's and all.. I just feel like it's my fault you aren't getting any good.. succ.. Because I'm a scared little baby, and I-i just want to do everything right with you, you know? I don't want to fuck things up just because i'm inexperienced.." his voice getting smaller, almost a whipser. Taehyung although could clearly hear every single word the younger said.

Taehyung almost cooed at the younger's cuteness, because he couldn't ever fuck thing up, not because he was inexperienced. He was almost too cute and fragile, it was almost impossible for Taehyung not to shower his face with kisses. 

"awhh babyy.. Don't feel pressured to do anything with me if you aren't ready yet, I understand! Don't worry about fucking anything up.. because you won't!" The older reassured trying to making the younger feel slightly better about the situation. 

"It's not that I don't feel ready yet Tae-ah.. It's mostly because of the thought that I won't be your first.. You know a lot more about it than I do and I jus-" the younger got cut off with the older almost wheezing, trying to hold in a laugh.

"I'm sorry, Love.. But you will be my first.. I can't believe you thought I had sex with someone.. I haven't, do you want to know why?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook only nodded slightly. He was feeling so embarrassed, and he was clearly crimson red. 

"Because I haven't loved anyone yet, not like with you.. I haven't felt comfortable, like I feel with you. It would be an honor to say that you, Jeon jungkook was my first time.. And hopefully the last also" Taehyung said with a wink and a slight smirk, which Jungkook only got even redder at. 

"I'll.. Think about it yeah?.. Give me some time.." the younger said hiding his face in his hand, because he was so embarrassed to have this talk with his beloved boyfriend. Taehyung cooed at the younger grabbing his cheeks and showering his face with small kisses.

He was really soft for the younger. 

"Let's cuddle for the whole day" Taehyung said and laid down on the bed, inviting the younger over. This was really not that awkward after all. 

"I love you" Taehyung said and kissed to younger gently, holding a little longer than intended. 

"I love you too" 


The L's😎💥




HoseokBTS: Jimin stfu they're probably fucking 

HoseokBTS: Although.. I can't hear a thing from their room..

JiminBTS: Go check on them then

JiminBTS: But be careful.. If they're fucking film it

HoseokBTS: Wtf ew no why?

JiminBTS: Like i said before.. I want the sex tape

HoseokBTS: You're... a twink 

JiminBTS: I know 

TaehyungBTS: Guys stfu im trying to cuddle w the loml :(



Jungkookie: .....

TaehyungBTS: Oh shit.. Guys you pissed him off

Jungkookie: I-

JiminBTS: Huh? 

HoseokBTS: Can the baby get mad??

Jungkookie: If you guys don't fucking stop texting in this fucking group-chat right now I'll fucking explode OKAY?! YES JIMIN I'LL FUCKING SEND YOU THE FUCKING SEX-TAPE IF YOU FUCKING LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE BECAUSE IM TRYING TO CUDDLE WITH MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND! But you guys are disturbing OUR quality time!! ASSHOLES! And for your fucking information we didn't fuck yet so get that into your small ass crackheads bECAUSE IM so fucking done with you guys at this point..

HoseokBTS: H-he snapped.. The baby s-snapped 

JiminBTS: I'll stfu real quick bye

TaehyungBTS: Im proud of you baby<3

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