Are You Mad? - Fluff

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joeck_jandy hope it's okayyyy🙈👌💙
This is sorta set after this vlog was filmed ^^^


Andy's POV

"Are you pissed at Jack?"  Brooklyn asked me, and I raised a brow.

"Why would I be?" i questioned.

He shrugged, "i dunno, he thinks you're mad at him."

"Did I do something?" i frowned, trying to think about if I had.

"I dunno, I mean we have just filmed a vlog about getting eachother mad..."

I sighed, knowing exactly why he thought I was mad. I'd kind of been avoiding him since the vlog. Truth was, I was embarrassed. I liked him, and the whole fandom would see me and him all up close and personal and... his hands on my ass. Oh, how that did things to me... I managed to keep calm while we were filming but the second the camera turned off, i freaked - went for a walk. I'd only just came back.

I got up and went to Jack's room, knocking softly on the door.

"Yeah, who is it?" Jack called.

"It's me," i said softly, and i heard shuffling on the other side of the door before it quickly opened.

"Hi," he said quietly, "are you-"

"I'm not mad at you," i shook my head, "i'm sorry for avoiding you, i just-"

"Did i fuck up?" he questioned.

"Fuck up how?" i raised a brow, "you didn't do anything..."

He shrugged and moved to sit on his bed, and i followed him in, sitting opposite him. "I don't know," he mumbled, "i just felt like you were annoyed with me..."

"I wasn't annoyed, i-" i started, i wanted to tell him. I liked him. it was just hard to say out loud, "i um.."

"You what?" he prompted, his voice soft.

"I'm sorry," i mumbled, "i just- i got a little uh- i got a little embarrassed.."


"I shouldn't have... you didn't do anything wrong, i just- i kinda like you and i don't know what came over me and i shouldn't have left and i know i'm stupid for acting weird about it but i couldn't help it so i-"

Jack cut me off mid sentence as his lips crashed onto mine. Though this is exactly what i wanted, it took me a second or two to realise what was happening. As soon as i did, however, i kissed him back, my hands finding their way to his hair.

"Sorry," he mumbled as he pulled away.

I shook my head, "don't be, it was amazing..."


"So you and Jack are okay again?" Brooklyn raised a brow at me later on.

I looked down at the floor as i felt a blush burning my cheeks, "yeah, i spoke to him."

"Are you okay?" he chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah!" i said too quickly, avoiding his eyes.

"What did you talk about?"

"Not a lot, just that I wasn't mad at him..." i said. I wasn't technically lying.

"Is that why you look like a tomato right now?" he laughed, nudging my shoulder as I tried to hide my face even more, "you like him, don't you?!"

I shook my head, but he walked in. Worst timing ever goes to Jack Duff.

"What's going on?" he chuckled.

"Just talking about Andy's little crush," Brooklyn teased.

"Oh, cute! Who is it?" Jack teased back, sitting as close as humanly possible to me.

"Shut up," I muttered, scooting away, but he only pulled me closer to kiss my cheek.

Brook smirked at us both and Jack pulled me closer, letting me bury my face in his chest, "I like him too..."

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