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Joel headed towards the farm where he saw lots of men working; he walked up to a young boy who was filling the main track to the farm with gravel and brick, to stop the track being so muddy and slippery. Joel felt the boy was far too young for this; he couldn’t be any older than nine or ten.

“Excuse me.”

The boy looked up at Joel and stood up straight.

“Yes sir?”
It never ceased to amaze Joel how the children were so polite, they had very little in the way or material object and they worked hard but they still managed to treat their elders with respect.
“I’m looking for Sam MacPherson.”

The boy pointed towards the field nearest to the track.
“Mr MacPherson is over there.”

Joel looked over and saw two men mending a fence; one had a shock of blond hair.

“Thanks.” he muttered.

He walked over to the men and stood beside them and coughed.
“Mr MacPherson?”

The tall well built man turned and looked Joel up and down.

“Now you must be Joel our Elizabeth’s cousin, and it‘s Sam, I‘ve known your family far too long to be called Mr MacPherson by you lot.”

He extended his hand and Joel took it in friendship.

“Pleased to meet you Sam.”

Sam looked at Joel ’s hand as he shook it.

“Hell man, what work have you ever done?”

Joel pulled his hand away embarrassed by Sam’s words. He had been through this with Elizabeth; he needed to make up some sort of story.

“Well, I worked mainly in the office and didn’t do much hands-on work.”

Sam gave a deep belly laugh.

“Hey you hear that Sean, we have an educated man here!”

Both men laughed and Joel felt even sillier. He did realise that although he worked very hard it couldn’t equate to what hard work was for these people.

Sam told Joel to help Sean with the fence and then to stay with him for the day. Sean was an older man maybe around his late fifties, but he showed no signs of slowing down.

Elizabeth finished the laundry and parcelled it up in clean sheets, she was looking forward to seeing Joel, and she had missed him not being around. Along with her normal washing she had cleaned Joel’s clothes he had arrived in, she walked into his bedroom and over to the chest of drawers, she pulled the drawer open and placed his clothes carefully inside, smoothing the fabric as she went. She smiled as she remembered the strangely dressed boy who had walked towards her from the fog. As she ran her fingers across the fabric of his jacket she pictured him wearing it and imagined running her hands over his firm abs. She sighed deeply why did Joel make her feel this way? She swore never to care for any boy; they had all left her or hurt her. Her father and her brothers, now Joel whom she knew would one day leave to go back where he came from, wherever that may be. She spotted the funny object he said was his phone and she picket it up and looked all over it, touched the screen, and felt the pouch that had a circle that revealed an apple that someone has taking a bite from. She lifted it to her nose and smelt the same fragrance she could smell on his clothes when he arrived. The smell was just Joel, it filled her nostrils even though the smell now grew faint it was still him.

She smiled, placed it on top of his clothes and closed the drawer back up. She had to get the laundry back, she then remembered Joel would want a bath when he got home so she would have to drag the tin bath in from the garden and put it in front of the fire for him.

Another Life| Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now