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Elizabeth woke up feeling a pair of strong arms around her and her eye lids shot open in panic, she calmed almost instantly as she remembered Joel. Laying on her side she looked ahead of her to see one of Joel’s arms outstretched from under her neck and she looked down to see another draped over her waist. 
Smiling she snuggled back against his chest, she felt warm and safe but as she nuzzled her body back against Joel she felt his body react to her even though he was still asleep. Elizabeth’s mind was in total turmoil now as she realised what kind of a situation she was in. She remained still for a little while and listened to Joel ’s steady breathing then like a thief in the night she slipped out of the bed, grabbed her clothes and left the room.

Elizabeth washed and dressed in Joel’s bedroom, she felt scared and content at the same time.

How perfect her life could be with him but also knowing how he could be ripped from her arms at any moment and also with her luck in life the chances were he would just move on. Yes Joel was sincere right now of course he was. He could have taken advantage of her last night and she wished in some ways that he had. Elizabeth felt her whole body warm at the thought of his body against hers despite the fact the house was so cold she could see her own breath in front of her. She had to get downstairs, make the fire up and make Joel ’s breakfast so she scurried off downstairs.

Joel felt the sunlight prick at his eyes and allowed them to flicker open, it took a while for his eyes to adjust to the harsh daylight that was coming through tiny holes in the threadbare curtains. Moaning he rolled on his back and rubbed his eyes, then the thoughts of the previous evening filled his mind. Thoughts of Elizabeth laying in his arms, warm and vulnerable, the tough exterior he had seen since he had arrived had gone and was replaced by a quiet lonely soul.

Joel closed his eyes again as he imagined them together, making love and showing their love to each other. He knew he could teach Elizabeth to love and trust, he just knew he could. 

Breathing in deeply the smell of bacon cooking had wafted up the stairs, Joel now looked beside him and realised Elizabeth was already up and hard at work in the kitchen. She was one hell of a girl and he wasn’t going to let her go. If he had the chance to go back home he wanted to take her with him and if not, if this was to be his future and his new life then he wanted it to be with her.
He jumped from the relative warmth of the bed and ran through to his own room to wash and grab his shirt; he buttoned the shirt up as he walked down the stairs. As he stood at the foot of the stairs he watched Elizabeth at the stove as she cooked his breakfast, even in her long drab dress she looked beautiful, she didn’t need designer clothes or make up she was beautiful all over. If he were lucky enough to make it back home everyone would love his Elizabeth, she was stunning but above all, she was beautiful as a person in the way she was, she was strong and could hold her own but always thought of others and cared for them. He knew she would make a wonderful mum. Joel felt his heart hammer wildly in his chest, children, yes he could be a father, he had never thought of having children before and for some reason Elizabeth was turning him into a man who wanted a family he could provide for. He mentally laughed at the thought . before the fog he thought he had all the time in the world and was to young for marriage. He never had a girlfriend.

Smiling he walked towards Elizabeth at the stove and wrapped his strong arms about her waist as he rested his head on her shoulder.

“Morning hermosa.”

He whispered. Elizabeth felt herself blush at his words as he kissed her cheek. 

"And what's hermosa?" She asked.

"It means beautiful."

"You'll have to teach me that language of yours."

“Okay. Hmm my beautiful lady cooking a beautiful breakfast.”

Elizabeth froze at his strange words, twice he had called her beautiful but also called her his. She had spent her life thinking she belonged to people but never once had anyone ever said she was their anything, she had just been accepted as someone or something that was always there.

Joel noticed she had stopped and could see the bacon was in danger of burning so he held his hand over hers and the fish slice and started to flip the bacon over to prevent it burning to the pan. Elizabeth felt guilty straight away.

“Oh Joel I’m so sorry.”

Joel laughed heartily at her.

“ Eliza , Eliza, don’t take on so. You are like Rosa Fonsi.”

Joel allowed Elizabeth to serve the bacon and sat himself at the table where he poured two mugs of coffee, funny thing was he was getting used to the disgusting sticky liquid now and this couldn’t be further from his old life, never again would he take anyone or anything for granted, he would appreciate everything and every single day he was blessed with.

“Who is Rosa Fonsi, was she an old girlfriend of yours?”

Joel laughed heartily now as Elizabeth set his plate down and he picked up his knife and fork.

“Rosa Fonsi was a lady who looked after children for a rich man and lady.”

Elizabeth nodded as she picked up her mug of coffee and held it in both her hands to feel the warming effect through the battered white metal mug.
Joel felt the need to continue.
“Rosa Fonsi was practically perfect in everyway……..”

Joel placed his knife down on his plate and placed his hand on her arm rubbing up and down gently.

“And you my love are just that.”

His words were confusing Elizabeth, not having the experience of hearing anything like that before, of course she had heard her brothers use fine words to women they brought back to the house and into their bed but to hear these words spoken to her now was strange and she wasn’t sure how to deal with it.

“Hurry up Joel or you will be late.” She said all of a sudden

Joel nodded and finished the last mouthful of bacon, he sensed her tension and he also understood why, he had to be careful with her, in so many ways she was like a delicate little flower, one that could so easily be crushed but would grow back eventually stronger and tougher losing it’s delicate pattern that bit more each time.

Heyy! Who watched the Latin AMAs like a day ago? Our boys won all three categories they were nominated for! So proud of them and proud to be a CNCOwner!👏👏😍😍.

Another Life| Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now