Future who?

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Hello! This would be my first time writing a fan-fiction, hopefully It won't end up bad or discontinued, because of my lazy self ^^'' hehe. And with all the confusion of learning how to use the text thingy's, hopefully I'll get it down by the week. @_@

Also, the version of the female Kuroneki would be before she discover her kagune, but found out she could drink coffee. So, yes, that means she wouldn't know everyone in Anteiku or at least, not yet. The only person she would remember from Anteiku would be Touka, since she had ran into her from the ghoul side being hungry.

Side note: I don't own any of the characters.



'I swear if it's Hide again, I won't hesitate to throw my books at him.'

Was the first thought that came to the black-haired girl mind as her nose scrunched up in distaste. 

The bitterness of metal clung onto the tip of her tongue and her left eye twitched in confusion. Now that she thinks about it, she doesn't remember her bed being this hard, nor rough on the surface, she also couldn't feel the soft fabric of her blankets covering her body; feeling goosebumps appearing along her arms. Confusingly she tried to open her eyes; keyword "tried". It felt like her eyes are metal and couldn't seem to open, her body wouldn't even cooperate with her either; she felt numb. 

'Am I dead?'

She panics, her brain suddenly coming up with death like scenarios. She doesn't know what's going on right now as fear slowly crept up within her, making her whole body shiver.

 All she remember was waking up in the morning to hang out with hide, not without her dose of coffee and her eye-patch; having to hide the fact she was a ghoul now, then after that she went home to finish reading 'The black goat's egg' before falling asleep in the soft comfort of her bed with her newly changed clothes, consisting of a simple white T-shirt, and black shorts. After that, well, she's here, now isn't she? Laying on this unknown hard surface with no blankets and a body that won't even cooperate with her. Just when she suffered enough from turning into a ghoul, guess fate doesn't like her at all. 

The fear that trickled within her slowly twiddled down and she deeply inhales, finally calming down from her mental situation. 

'Okay, deep breath, calm and steady. Just like in books, you can do this. Now open your eyes.' 

If there was one thing she regrets in her life, this would be one of it because as soon as she opens her eyes; the full force of brightness and pain made her snap her eyes shut, and a loud groan left her dry lips. 

Laying still for a moment, she slowly urged her arms to move up towards her face; shading her eyes from the bright sunlight. Her tongue darting out to lick the rough skin of her bottom lips, before she willed her body to sit up from the ground she slept on; cringing at the burning sensation beneath the skin on the bottom of her back. Groaning, she leans forward and placed the palms of her hand on top her knee's, making sure to steady herself, before peeking from beneath her eyelids to see where she was.


Right in front of her were kids playing soccer, kicking the ball around the field away from one another, seeing who could score the net first. Among them, were people walking along the sidewalks, chatting happily while some were walking their dogs, although some gave her some odd looks; seeing a girl looking scuffed up and basically (homeless) dirty looking, sitting on the ground near a bunch of kids. Apparently, she ended up in a park somewhere near her neighborhood, the park where she had first met, Hide. 

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