Chapter 1!

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"Pitiful, isn't it, Mei?" The woman muttered to the small girl whose arm she was practically breaking as she held it in her grip. "Humanity can't be trusted, Mei. This is your proof, so take this one thing from me. Your truth is this....----"

"What? Mom? I can't hear you!" The little girl was now a teenager screaming at the image of her mother, that now submerged them both under water. She felt her lungs filling, no matter how hard she screamed, the result would be the same. She would always die in ways like this, screaming someone's name even though she knew it would kill her to keep breathing in the rising water.

The teenage girl shot up out of bed covered in sweat and clutching her aching chest. She took large gasps of oxygen that she had felt deprived from. She looked over at the digital clock that was sitting on one of the moving boxes all of her belongings were stashed away in. The glowing numbers read 3:00 AM, which meant she had at least another three hours before it was time for her to get ready to go school. After contemplating a little longer, she decided to get up and take a shower and just have a bunch of extra time to finish packing up.

She glanced at the little markings that had been painted on the tile but her and her adoptive sister when she had first arrived. They marked the exact best temperature combination of hot and cold for taking a shower, the kind of help a girl with nerve damage needs to make sure she doesn't burn herself or catch a cold when no one is there to test the water for her.

After taking a shower, getting dressed, finishing packing, and doing everything she could think of to fill time she was left with nothing to do just in time for her sister to wake up to get ready for school. Ema, her brunette older sister, stumbled a bit out of her room before stopping to smile at her younger sister, Mei. Though there was only a few months in between the two and they were in the same grade, Ema liked thinking of herself as an older sister and Mei didn't mind having one. Mei also didn't mind because as an older sister, Ema was a damn good one.

"I'll get breakfast ready." Mei said to Ema with a smile, throwing her own unruly, long black hair into a messy bun to get it out of the way.

"Thank you! I'll be sure to make dinner for you in return!" Ema said happily as she made her way to the bathroom to get ready. As she left, Mei threw an apron on top of her school uniform to keep it clean as she made breakfast. She just made some eggs and toast as Ema rounded the corner still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, though other than that she was ready to leave.

They had plenty of time so they ate at their leisure, talking about the move and other random things they thought of. Then as they cleaned the plates, an alarm went off on Mei's phone signaling it was time for them to go to school. As they threw their shoes on and headed out, Ema decided to take notice of a few things. Firstly, the large bags under Mei's crystalline blue eyes that stood out on her pale skin. Secondly, her eyes themselves were both blue even though Ema knew that her left one should have been a beautiful and vibrant red. Ema knew that Mei usually wore contacts to avoid attention from her heterochromia, but recently Mei had promised to stop wearing them. Finally, Ema held in a chuckle at the state that her long black hair was in. With a messy ponytail that had flyaways popping up everywhere, her waist length hair look like she had just rolled out of bed.

"What're you laughing about?" Mei asked in an irate voice, she clearly wasn't a morning person.

"Y-your hair! Just look!" Ema took out her phone and took a quick picture of Mei before showing the slightly shorter girl the phone screen.

"Shit!" Mei's flustered shout caught the attention of quite a few other students who were walking to school, but upon seeing it was one of the school's hot girls no one bothered to talk to them. Mei immediately took her hair down and paused on the sidewalk to try and make her mess at least presentable, which she did, now only leaving her bangs out of the ponytail as not only would they not fit but they framed her face perfectly. "How about now?"

"Much better." Ema said smiling.

"Thank the lord." Mei responded letting out a long sigh. "You saved me there."

"So about moving this afternoon-"

"Ew don't remind me. Thirteen brothers is definitely too many." Mei interrupted, knowing Julie would agree with her.

"Come on, can't you at least try to get along with them? You spend most of your time in your room working anyway so at least try to be nice when you do make an appearance." Ema was practically pleading with Mei to go easy on the brothers to save herself from embarrassment. 

"Can't make any promises, but I'll make an attempt." That seemed to be good enough for Ema as she quickly changed the subject to video games which always brought up her spirits.

-----End of School-------

They had gone home to retrieve Julie and help with the moving truck so now all they had to do was find this Sunshine Residence.





"Tranquilizer darts?"

"I don't know where to get those but I'll work on it right away Captain." 

This meaningless conversation about what materials Mei had to ward off the brothers, which had been started by Julie, had continued for almost the whole trip to the new house. 

"Can you two stop already? It's not going to be that bad." Ema tried to be the voice of reason only to receive hissing noises from both Mei and Julie.

"Are you crazy?!" Mei shouted before Julie joined.

"Yeah! You're being thrown into a pit of thirteen savage males! If you aren't worried you must be insane!" Julie piled the insults one atop the other until Ema had enough of their antics.

"Hey! They're our new family so stop being rude before you've even met them. And Mei!" Mei immediately straightened up as it was her turn to be chewed out. " You promised me you would at least try!"

"Yes ma'am!" Mei stood at salute out of reflex of trying to follow orders. Though in reality, Ema just considered that Mei joking around.

They continued forward only to be met with two of the brothers standing outside of the address they were given, with their moving boxes already being brought in. 

Julie and Mei turned to each other with a gleam in their eye, giving each other a thumbs up as if to say, "Let the war begin." 

SLOW START BUT THE REAL FUN BEGINS NEXT CHAPTER. Btw the model for Mei is Belleza Felutia, cause she cute. Also i just shove songs i like in the video slot unless i say theyre importante. K bye.

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