Chapter 7!

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I know I shouldn't be biased but I'm in love with Nageki and you people can't stop me.

Mei blankly stared off into space as Nageki was eating, both of them preferring silence anyway. Suddenly Mei felt his finger poke her cheek repeatedly, trying to get her attention. "Wha-"

As soon as she turned, he shoved the last forkful of food in her mouth seeing as he knew she didn't eat that much. "You looked hungry.."

He stated in a nonchalant tone as she leveled a glare at him. "That's harassment."

"I think we're way passed harassment by now kitten. You have a key to my apartment so you can at least say we're friends, though the majority opinion would vote we're too physically close for something like that...lovers, perhaps?"

She let out a sigh as she walked past him, "In your dreams, Na-ge-ki."

"Now that you mention it I have dreamed about that before, yes." Mei couldn't stop the flare of heat that went to her face since that idiot always new the exact words that would make her flustered.

"You-!" She stopped mid phrase as she was pushed backwards and fell on her back on the bed, wondering when they had gotten so close. Nageki was leaning over her on the bed, his arms practically caging her in.

"And what would happen if I told you I loved you..?" His voice returned to the low rasp that always had the office girls tripping over themselves for him, and yet her face just settled into a passive mask.

"I would respond how I do everytime you ask this question, we both know you don't. You're just bored and lonely."

"What if it were finally true? What if I really did-" Nageki stopped talking, knowing he was crossing a line she didn't want with his words as her expression became pained. She didn't want to hear the words 'I love you' because they mean something painful to her, and he can't give them because he doesn't know what they mean; those two facts were what their odd relationship of trust was built off of. Though neither admitted it, the two were much closer than lovers by this point, and trusted each other much more than anyone else could compare to.

Nageki got off of Mei, allowing her to sit up though all she did was roll over in the bed silently facing away from him. He fell on the bed next to her, covering the both of them with the blankets while silently staring at her small back. Mei turned around again and faced him, her eyes a bit glassy as she inched closer, "Just don't try to say it again for a while, okay?"

He reached out and pulled her to his chest, where her frail form was completely enveloped by him, "I won't."


Mei had set an alarm, getting up to return home in a timely fashion though her hair was all sorts of unhappy with her afternoon nap. She brushed it as best she could with her fingers, loosely braiding it to make it look presentable. She left, patting the half asleep Nageki on the head before leaving. "Remember to be a good boy and do your work, alright?"

"Remember..good girl...sleep.."

"Okay, okay." With a laugh she left to attempt to head back to her new home, only to not risk it and turn on maps on her phone to direct her. 

On her way back she ran into Ema who seemed to be carrying way too many grocery bags. "Hey! Ema!"

She caught the girl's attention, waving from  farther down the busy shopping area. "Hello Mei! I thought you might not come back, you always get caught up talking with your manager."

Mei let out an unnoticeably nervous laugh, "Yeah we get on tangents too easily..," like how it feels to use him as a pillow, not that I can say that..," What are all of these for?"

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