Chapter 2!

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The sisters quickly made their way forward as the moving truck rolled away, catching the attention of the two brothers. The older was the first one to speak, "I had them bring all your stuff to your rooms already, so don't worry. I'm Masaomi the oldest and this is Wataru, the youngest, it's nice to meet you."

Mei received one last shove from Ema, as if to tell her to stay behaved, before Ema responded. "It's nice to meet you as well. My name is Ema and this is my slightly younger sister Mei. We look forward to living with you all."

Mei's head was forced down with Ema's hand so that they both did a polite bow together. Masaomi laughed at the sight as Wataru piped in. "Nice to meet you Big Sis's!"

Mei grinned at him as she bent down to his height and beckoned him closer. Both Ema and Masaomi watched in curiosity as Mei whispered something in Wataru's ear that made him laugh before "discreetly" placing a small candy in his hand. Ema just shook her head with a smile while Masaomi was smiling warmly while suppressing chuckles from how close the two were now over the bond of candy. 

Masaomi guided them to their rooms, which were thankfully next to each other, before taking his leave to go inform other brothers they had arrived. Mei took some time to inspect the layout of her room. She had no way of knowing it now, but it was set up exactly the same as Ema's room, with a straight hallway and the bed on the immediate right with a desk on the wall to the left and an open area past that near doors to a balcony. Mei looked at the boxes she had to unload and instead shrugged moving over to Ema's room to see what her sister was doing. 

As she got there, Ema was gone and so was Juli. Little did she know that Juli had just run down the hall in the opposite direction to get to the elevator. With her horrible sense of direction, Mei immediately went in the wrong direction and started having a mental breakdown as she wandered seemingly endless hallways. She was rubbing at her eyes a lot because of the tears that were beginning to form and had to take out her contacts in the process, without having any good place to put them. She eventually got so lost that she just sat curled up, with her head on her knees, hoping that someone would be able to find her.

What she didn't realize was that she had somehow magically made it to the 5th floor where everybody else was and that if she took a minute to listen, she would be able to hear Ema talking to Tsubaki and Yusuke who had just made a huge racket. Just as Mei considered becoming one with the wall there because she knew help would never arrive, there were some hurried footsteps coming in her direction. "Are you alright?"

A deep voice shook Mei out of her distracted sobbing, so she looked up to find a man wearing monk's clothes standing in front of her with a slightly worried look. She recognized him from pictures sent from her father as Kaname, one of her new brothers. She took a moment to sniffle, before responding quietly, "I got lost because this place is so big..."

Shock registered on Kaname's face for a second to learn that the girl's sense of direction was that bad but also in how adorable she looked even though she was crying. He let out a small chuckle before offering his hand to help her get up. She quickly accepted, but he didn't let go of her hand as she got up, but instead he kissed the top of her hand making her sputter out weird noises out of surprise. "It's nice to meet you little sis, I'm Kaname the third son."

He grinned at her reaction before being startled even more as he got a close look at her beautiful eyes. No one could deny they were entrancing, but he distinctly remembered that in the picture they were shown that Mei had two blue eyes not one blue and one red. "Are you wearing contacts per chance?"

The confusion in his voice and the fact that he released her hand reminded Mei that she had taken her contacts out, which made her want to run and curl up in a ball in a ditch. a voice echoed in her head for a moment, 'If you show anyone, they'll know you're a demon just like I already do... so they can't know what you are, I don't need anymore trouble than you're worth to me, monster '. Mei recoiled quickly, searching her brain for the right thing to say, but when Kaname cleared his throat she panicked even more as she refocused on him, who could blatantly see she was panicking. 

"Is it really that hard to tell me?" Yes. "We're family now you know, so you can trust me."

Trust....was a word that Mei couldn't accept, but this should have been her new life not her old one. So she thought she should test it out for now. "They're natural, my eyes. I usually wear contacts so that they match, so I don't attract too much attention. That's probably why I had completely blue eyes in whatever photo you were shown."

Mei's head was faced downwards at her shoes the entire time she spoke, which was also accompanied by major fidgeting that Kaname couldn't miss as he looked at her. "I see. That's good to know, after all I'm quite happy to be able to see such beautiful eyes everyday." 

Mei immediately looked up at him with her face completely flushed. "You-you..." She had no words to say to him as she could practically feel herself over heating. 

"Let's go meet everyone else now, shall we?" She could only respond to his statement with a short nod, as he hooked his arm around her's to walk her towards the living room which had only been around the corner. 

Even more fun awaits in the next chapter my friends...stay tuned!

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