Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes slowly, hearing voices but their was to many to keep track, I couldn't move except for my eyes but it was blurry. All I could see was white and very bright lights,"She's awake, sir." A mans voice spoke, I couldn't remember anything and my head hurt.

"Excellent," I heard feet shuffling and a faint feeling on my face, "Let her rest, then we can continue." A stern voice ordered, the lights went off and my eyes drooped but I fought to stay awake till I just I couldn't fight it anymore, slowly losing consciousness.

*Few Hours Later*

I dared to open my eyes, I was sore and my body ached but I pushed it aside and sat up. I was on a hospital type bed and the room was white, I was hooked to an IV that was pumping blood into me. Stuff from afar was still a little blurry and I had to focus really hard to see it and my throat was sore and dry. I pulled the cord out, it stung making me hiss but I just slid off the bed, my legs shaking like jello, I forced myself to walk to the door. I opened it using as much strength as I could which wasn't a lot, I wobbled down the hall, the lights blinding me and I fell to my knees, "W-what's going on?" I asked myself as a loud siren went off, I covered my ears.

I heard foot steps grow close to me, as if they were running, some guy picked me up and carried me back to my room while strangers followed. Doctors, or at least I assumed they are, hooked me back up to the IV, make me hiss at the needle getting shoved back in my arm. A man stood on my left side closest to the door, you could practically feel the power raiding off of him, he had tan skin, black hair with black piercing eyes and a nice suit. He dismissed everyone, "Do you know who and where you are?" He asked.

I put my hand to my head as pain hit it full force from trying to think of anything, "No, I can't even remember my own name... Who are you?"

"I'm head director of this agency, Mr. Ario. You were injured in a mission and you go by agent 983." He explained, wait my name was numbers, that's not normal... I think...

"My name is numbers and aren't I like 12? What am I doing in an agency?" I was curious about my life, I didn't know anything about myself besides my age and now my name.

"You were dropped off at the agency as a baby, we don't know anything about your biological parents but we all are you're family now. You live here at the agency as well and you'll need to do lots of training before you go back out on the field, don't worry we will make it as comfortable as possible for you meanwhile you have to wear this." He explained, handing me a collar?

"A collar? Why do I have to wear this?" I'm not a dog I'm a human being!

"It'll help control your power out on the field." Power?

"What power?"

"You have a gift, you are able to freeze things with your breath and we were in the middle of training you to be able to use you hands to freeze things." He said, strapping the black collar to my neck, it made a weird clicking sound as if it needed a key to take it off.

I was kind of nerves about the whole thing, I needed to know more, "What's the name of this agency?"

"S.A.U which stands for Secret Assassination Unit, you should start to regain memory over time which will clear all of this up."

Assassination? Geez doesn't that mean kill people, I use to do that, ugh now I'm sick to my stomach, "When can I leave this hospital?"

"Soon, we just need to make sure you have enough blood in your system, you lost quiet a bit during surgery. Is their anything else you'd like to know or need?" This guy didn't seem so bad despite his serious look.

"I think I'm fine for right now anyways..." I couldn't really think of anything important to ask and the killing people kind of drifted my appetite away.

He nodded and left as a chubby lady came in, she had short brown hair, her eyes matched and she had on a nurses uniform, "Would you like anything to eat, lassi?" She asked, her voice had a thick scotland accent.

"Maybe just a glass of water other than that I'm fine, thank you." I replied suddenly feeling exhausted, my brain was working on overdrive trying to remember anything and taking in the new information I was just given.

She left with a small smile and a nod, I turned my head, looking at the bag full of blood that was being pumped into my vain, if I really focused I could see it had some black in it... What was going on here?

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