Chapter 4

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*7 Year's Later*

"Aw come on Stevens a few more minutes!" I cried, dropping my fist as my training partner limped to the bench.

"No I can barley keep up with your hits, come on you got an assignment tomorrow, the drug dealer case so go get some rest kiddo." He stated, he was right though, I mean the only time I leave the building is on a mission other than that I'm either training, in class or sleeping up for a big mission.

"Alright, alright but when I'm finished we will finish this." I yelled already walking out so he had no time to argue. I walked all the way to the other side of the building then up 4 flights of stairs and entered my bedroom. It was small, a twin size bed pushed up against the wall by the window, a nightstand next to it with a small pink lamp, a remote and in the drawer I had my hair stuff. Their was a small wooden desk that had a pink apple laptop, pens, some folders with information of my enemy's in it and pictures taped up on my wall of them with the main information next to it. I had a small closet, my shoes in their as well and a 32 inch flat screen TV hung on the wall next to it.

I walked to my closet pulling out an over sized black sweat shirt that had S.A.U written in pink, it went to mid thigh and the sleeves went past my hands. I grabbed my cotton candy shampoo and conditioner, sugar cookie body wash and lotion, my towel and left to the shower. Afterwards I went over my files, I had all the information I needed on the drug dealers except the boss, they call him the shadow I think it's a stupid nick name for him but its all we got on him. I've on this case for over a month which angered me because I usually finished a case in a whole week but this guy keeps slipping through my fingers. All I knew that was relatively close to him was his right hand man, Maurice but he always had body guards surrounding him.

I sighed rather loudly, I need to catch this guy before he started up something bigger, their was talk that he was going to start human trafficking and I didn't need this on my plate. I went to my bed, brushing my hair before, looking out my window, the big apple, New York City, the air wasn't the cleanest, it was polluted and smelt like death but it did have a faint smell of hot dog in all my life living here I've never once had a hot dog from a hot dog cart or even been to the statue of liberty. It was kind of depressing but I had a job to do, the more I close cases the more life's saved and I rather be here than on the street. I shut my window and closed my blind's sinking into my bed, falling fast asleep.

A siren went off and "CODE RED" blasted through the speakers. I shot out off bed, ran to my closet and put on skin tight black leather jumpsuit with flat black boots that reached my knees, I put clicked my belt around my waist, it had my communicate, badge and gun. I put my hair up in a red ribbon and ran to the meeting room. Everyone was in here but Mr. Ario, till the lights went out and the projector started. We all watched as information of the case I was working popped up, "They are down in the abandon art factory on 7th street, Agent 983 get your team and get down there, stake it out and get as much information as you can. Dismissed." He explained as the projector stopped and the lights turned on.

Everyone left except my team which had, Steven's, Joshua, Mark and Brittany who was the computer wiz. We headed out to the cars, Josh, Mark and Brittany drove the van that had the camera's and audio while Steven and I rode in my all black mustang with black rims, and leather. We sped up to the factory, parked about a block away and Brittany gave me the mini camera's and listening device so they could see and hear everything I could, "Be safe B, you never know what you are walking into." Josh said, B was like a nick name for me because I technically didn't have a name. I nodded and ran to the building, I didn't know how much time we had or wasted.

I went into the alley, went on to a dumpster and climbed up the fire escape latter and into a broken window in the second story. It lead into an office, most likely the managers, I searched through papers, some had details on the town they'd be heading to next, taking pictures of them with my communicator. I heard voices and looked around for another exit, spotting an open vent I busted the top open and shimmed myself up it, I put the cover back on right as two men came in recognizing one of them as Maurice the other looking around 23.

"Toby, your father doesn't think you are choosing the right town to start our next plan." Maurice argued with the other guy who had brown plushy hair and grey eyes.

"Why not, I already have a plan besides it's crawling with idiots, even there mayor."

"It has though's 5 super brat's over there that's why, you're risking everything we've ever built." Super brats?

"Please  since that pink one disappeared they've been slacking at the job, crime rate went up over there and it's almost number one unsafest cities in America! Trust me on this, old man I know I'm doing!"

"Fine then, I guess we're going to Townsville."

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