Chapter 11

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We parked at the hospital parking lot, I got out of the SUV, making my way inside, envelopes with letters inside in hand. I went to the information desk, "Hello, um I'm here to see Buttercup and Bubbles Utonuim and Butch, Boomer and Brick Jojo." I said as she handed me the sign in sheet.

"They're all in room 241 except for brick Jojo he's in 438." I nodded a thanks getting my visitor wrist band. I went to the elevators, making my way to their room.

I made it to the 2nd floor, hesitantly knocking on the door, "COME IN!" I heard Buttercup yell.

I took a deep breath pushing the door open to see them pack their suitcases. "Hey." I whispered shyly.

"Hey, I didn't think we'd see you!" Bubbles yelled hugging me.

"I came to see if you all were okay." I said as bubbles let go.

"We're fine, we get to leave today but brick..." Butch said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"I know..." I whispered, "I have to see him before I go back home, I'm glad you all are okay and these are for you." I handed them to boomer who was closet, each envelope had their matching color and name on it. I went out the door before they could stop me. I went up to the 4 floor, while in the elevator I fixed the zipper and collars on my pink leather jumpsuit. I walked to his room, knocking and peeking inside.

His eyes were closed as he laid peacefully on the hospital bed. My heart pounded almost breaking my rib cage and my palms got sweaty as I made my way inside. The lights were off and the blinds closed but the sunlight still managed to make it's way through the cracks. I took a shaky breath, I placed the dark blood red envelope on his food tray.

I looked at him for a few minutes, he was built, his usually tan skin was pale and his messy red hair framed his handsome face. I put his hat on top off the letter as a single tear slide down my cheek. I still didn't understand this feeling that played with all of the other feelings that I do understand. I slowly leaned in placing my red lips to his soft pale pink ones. A small kiss, I savored it, and pulled away, walking out.

I made my way to the big white SUV, climbing in the back, "Ready to go home, agent 983?" Mr. Ario asked as we drive to the airport.

I stared out the window, "Yes sir, I miss everyone." I spoke my voice almost cracking.

He nodded and we rode in silence as I watched buildings, homes and trees blur out my window. Families played with each other in front of their yards, enjoying each other's company. I'd never, ever get to experience that kinda thing.

We made it to the airport getting on a private jet and I quietly chewed my gum as we took off. I stared at the yellow, orange, pinkish clouds as the sun went down. Tears plopped down my face as I felt like I was leaving a whole other life behind...

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