🌧Part Ten🌧

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This book is a mess so far, and I apologize for that.

I also apologize for this because why not: I don't French. How French? Anywho, if there are any errors in the Frenchy-French please tell me and I will fix! Thank! HahahahahahaI'mamesshahahahaha!

     "Okay... so do you remember the rules...?"

     Francis' nose scrunched up.

     "The rules, Francis...."

     "Th- the roo... roooo... ROOOO!!!"


     "Roo.. roooooo.. roo... rool...! Roooool! Ruuules! Rules!" He looked so proud of himself, his chest puffed up happily.

     Arthur smiled and ruffled the Frenchman's hair. "Yep! Okay.... I don't think we need to go over rule one right now.... Rule two, obey me. Rule three, no running away. And rule four, no biting!" He booped Francis' nose, causing the child-minded man to giggle.

     "Roo! Roo! Roo!"

     "You have no clue what I just said, do you?"

     Francis continued to giggle. "Roo! Roo! Roo!" He clapped his hands childishly and started patting a random place on the carpet. "Rooooooo... roo... roo...."

**20 minutes**

     Arthur narrowed his eyes at Francis and slowly lifted his hand. He moved it forward until his index finger was pressed against Francis' lips.

     Francis tilted his head, giving Arthur a confused look.

     Arthur breathed out slowly and wiggled his finger into the Frenchman's mouth. Francis squeaked happily and gently grabbed onto Arthur's hand, pulling his finger farther into his mouth.

     A drop of saliva dribbled from Francis' mouth, producing a shiver from Arthur as it missed being soaked up by his shirt and ran all the way down to his elbow.

     Francis suddenly pulled Arthur's finger from his mouth. "Monsieur flamant?" (Mister flamingo?)


     "Je veux des bisous!" (I want kisses!)


     Francis pouted and pulled himself into Arthur's lap. He pressed a finger to his lips and then pressed it against Arthur's lips. The Frenchman did it again, slowly, giving Arthur's brain time to process what he was doing.

     Arthur thought for a moment. "Well... I suppose... you have been awfully good lately.... Sure, I don't see why not." He curled his arms around Francis' waist and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "That's all you're getting."

     The Frenchman whimpered and leaned up, trying to get another kiss, but Arthur leaned away, denying him what he wanted. Instead of doing something that would have gotten him smacked, Francis leaned his head against Arthur's chest and gave up with a defeated huff.

     Arthur smiled and ruffled Francis' hair. "Good boy...!"

**2 hours**

     Arthur set a bowl of cereal (it can be whatever easily crushable cereal you want it to be) in front of Francis and went to do other things in the kitchen.

     The Frenchman poked it curiously before taking out a piece and sniffing it. He stuck out his tongue and threw it across the room, hitting Arthur in the back.

     Arthur whirled around and spotted the piece of cereal on the ground. "Francis!"

     Francis wailed and pushed the (plastic) bowl onto the ground, spilling its contents everywhere.

     "FRANCIS." He quickly sped off to go get a broom. When he returned, Francis was on the ground, happily crushing the cereal with his hands. "FRANCIS NO."

     The Frenchman, realizing he had been caught, started crying loudly. He stretched his arms out towards Arthur and wailed, wanting to be picked up.

     Arthur sighed and shuffled towards him. Picking him up, he walked into the living room and set him down on the couch before going to clean up the mess in the kitchen.

     After cleaning up, he gathered some fruit and sat down next to Francis on the couch. He gently wiped away the tears on the blue-eyed man's face. "Hey... it's okay.... I'm not mad...."

     Francis whimpered and leaned away from Arthur.

     "Oh... right... um...." Arthur picked up a strawberry and held it out to Francis. "Francis...."

     "Oui...?" The Frenchman sniffled, eyeing the strawberry hungrily.

     Arthur pulled the strawberry closer to himself and patted his lap.

     Francis moved a little closer to Arthur, his eyes were locked onto the fruit in his hand. He moved even closer as Arthur moved the fruit closer to himself. The Frenchman was soon in Arthur's lap, whimpering softly as he quietly begged for the strawberry.

     Arthur finally gave the red fruit to the other male and watched as he hungrily ate it. He picked up another strawberry and offered it to Francis. This one was also quickly eaten. Arthur then offered him a grape, which he refused to eat.




     Arthur sighed and pressed the grape to Francis' lips. "Just eat it...."

     Francis opened his mouth to wail and Arthur quickly put the grape inside. The Frenchman closed his mouth and his nose immediately scrunched up. He looked Arthur directly in the eye and opened his mouth again, letting the grape fall out onto Arthur's chest. "Bleh."

     "Well then...." Arthur picked up the grape and ate it.

     Francis stuck out his tongue in disgust and pushed away Arthur's face with his hands. "BLEH!"

     "What? It wasn't like you were going to eat it...!"


     Arthur kissed Francis' cheek and the Frenchman shoved his face away.

     "BLEEEEHHHH!!! Stwabear!"


     "Pourquoi?!" (Why?!) Francis narrowed his eyes at Arthur.

     "Because I said so."

     Francis tried to crawl away from Arthur, but the other man's arms curled around his waist and held him down. He pouted and folded his arms across his chest with a quiet huff.

     "Hey... don't be like that...." Arthur tried to kiss Francis' cheek again, but the Frenchman turned his head away. "Francis..." he whined.




     Arthur sighed and held up a strawberry. This caused the blue-eyed man to squeak happily and reach for it. Arthur moved the strawberry away slightly. "Forgetting something?"

     Francis placed a quick kiss on Arthur's cheek and took the strawberry. "Merci." He moved it towards his mouth, but Arthur covered it, preventing him from eating it.

     "Ah, ah, ah."

     Francis wailed and shifted unhappily. He looked up at Arthur and sniffled before smashing his lips onto the Englishman's. When he pulled away he immediately started eating his strawberry, looking rather unhappy as he did.

     Arthur gently squeezed Francis and buried his face in his neck, smiling happily.

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