✨Part Eleven✨

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When Arthur's cat trotted into the house, the feline didn't know what to expect, but he certainly didn't think that Francis would be there, pelting his owner with cereal.

Arthur ducked behind a chair as a piece of cereal flew towards his face. He looked down at his cat, who was giving him a curious look. "Oh hello there, Whiskers...." (Idk... just... deal with it....)


Francis stopped his assault when he heard the meow. "M-... Mm...."

Arthur breathed out a soft sigh of relief. "Do you want to see the kitty-cat, Francis?"

"Chat! Chat!" (Cat! Cat!) The Frenchman's eyes sparkled and he cautiously crawled towards Arthur.

"Come here, my Frenchie...! Come see the kitty-cat!" Arthur held his arms out, welcoming Francis.

Francis squeaked and quickly crawled over to him. He squeaked again when Arthur pulled him into his lap.

Arthur pointed at Whiskers. "See the cat, Francis?"

"Cah! Cah! Cah!" Francis stretched his hand out towards Whiskers and the cat jumped away.

The green-eyed cat slowly inched forward to sniff Francis' hand. He looked up at Arthur with a questioning gaze. His owner's eyes had a threatening look that said, "if you hurt him, I'll hurt you". Whiskers cautiously rubbed his face against the hand that belonged to the person who used to be Arthur's greatest enemy.

"Chat! Chat!" Francis gently patted the cat's head.

"Yep!" Arthur kissed Francis' cheek, causing the child-minded man to giggle.

Francis suddenly stopped moving as he was pulled into his thoughts.

"Not again... we were doing so well...." Arthur tightly hugged Francis and hid his face in his rose scented neck.

Whiskers thought it best to slip away silently and leave the two countries alone.

**10 minutes**

Arthur heard a soft laugh and a hand was placed on the side of his head. He lifted his face out of the Frenchman's neck and looked at him curiously.

"Hmm... I never thought that you would ever willingly kiss me.... Too bad I couldn't take advantage of it at the moment it happened...."

Arthur's eyes widened. "I- I-... fuck off." He roughly shoved Francis out of his lap.

The Frenchman grinned and turned to face Arthur. "I still remember, mon amour~! You can't take back the things that you've done!"

Arthur's face turned bright red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. He stood up and stomped out of the room, grumbling quietly.

**5 minutes**

Arthur sat in the living room, trying to calm down, when he heard a soft grunt and then a thud. After a little while longer, there was another thud.

"Em... Arthur, dear?" The Frenchman's voice was quiet and filled with embarrassment.

"What do you want, frog?"



It was silent for a few minutes before there was a reply.

"Arthur I can't stand up."


After this version of Francis, I was thinking about bringing back the Francis from The Little Things...

and then...


ending the book...?

Alsoooo... I got another idea for a fruk fanfic. And I'm writing and posting it here, 'cause I hate myself. So yaaaaay! At the moment it's called 'My Little Bunny', but I'm not sure if it will be the permanent title or not....

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