Kadar July 29th Leo
Kaido May 1st Taurus
Kaku August 7th Leo
Kalifa April 23rd Taurus
Kamakiri July 10th Cancer
Kanjuro July 21st Cancer
Karma June 6th Gemini
Kashi April 1st Aries
Kashigami November 4th Scorpio
Kaya August 8th Leo
Keimi November 3rd Scorpio
Killer February 2nd Aquarius
Kin'emon January 15th Capricorn
Kingdew November 13th Scorpio
Kiwi September 1st Virgo
Kizaru (Borsalino) November 23rd Sagittarius
Koala October 25th Scorpio
Kohza May 26th Gemini
Kokoro October 5th Libra
Kong May 9th Taurus
rieg September 19th Virgo
Kuina September 17th Virgo
Kumadori February 20th Pisces
Kumashi September 4th Virgo
Kuro April 22nd Taurus
Kuroobi October 25th Scorpio
Kuzan September 21st Virgo
Kyros September 22nd Virgo
Laboon September 16th Virgo
Lacroix June 8th Gemini
Lacuba May 31st Taurus
Lafitte March 13th Pisces
Laki July 7th Cancer
Lao G October 7th Libra
Leo July 24th Leo
Lieu. Spacey March 21st Aries
Little Oars Jr. February 12th Aquarius
Lola January 27th Aquarius
Lord of the Earth August 4th Leo
Lord of the Forest April 4th Aries
Lucky Roo July 6th Cancer
One Piece Zodiac (Astrological Signs)
RandomHere's compiled list of One Piece Characters. Included are Name, Date of Birth, Month of Birth, Astrological Sign. It is very possible that names may be misspelled or characters are missing. If either or any other mistakes are found please let me kn...