Machvise August 13th Leo
Macro September 6th Virgo
Magellan October 9th Libra
Magra October 20th Libra
Makino February 23rd Pisces
Manboshi March 30th Aries
Marco October 5th Libra
Marguerite April 9th Aries
Marshall D. Teach August 3rd Leo
Masira March 4th Pisces
McGuy September 3rd Virgo
Megalo April 8th Aries
Mikazuki February 10th Aquarius
Minister of the Left July 2nd Cancer
Minister of the Right April 5th Aries
Minokoala March 5th Pisces
Minorhinoceros March 1st Pisces
Minotaurus March 4th Pisces
Minozebra March 7th Pisces
Miss Father's Day June 21st Cancer
Miss Goldenweek April 29th Taurus
Miss Valentine February 14th Aquarius
Moda June 1st Gemini
Mohji October 1st Libra
Mohmoo April 9th Aries
Momonga June 6th Gemini
Monda April 3rd Aries
Monet August 27th Virgo
Monkey D. Dragon October 5th Libra
Monkey D. Garp May 2nd Taurus
Monkey D. Luffy May 5th Taurus
Montblanc Cricket September 11th Virgo
Montblanc Noland October 9th Libra
Morgan April 13th Aries
Motobaro August 19th Leo
Mousse June 3rd Gemini
Mozu January 7th Capricorn
Mr. 5 July 26th Leo
Nami July 3rd Cancer
Namur July 6th Cancer
Nefeltari Cobra February 13th Aquarius
Nefeltari Vivi February 2nd Aquarius
Nekomamushi November 22nd Sagittarius
Neptune July 3rd Cancer
Nero January 26th Aquarius
Nico Olivia February 6th Aquarius
Nico Robin February 6th Aquarius
Nojiko July 25th Leo
Nola March 10th Pisces
Oars October 4th Libra
Octopako August 5th Leo
Ohm March 25th Aries
Oimo January 6th Capricorn
Onigumo February 8th Aquarius
Otohime January 10th Capricorn
Palms March 11th Pisces
Pandaman (Leap Years Only) February 29th Pisces
Pappug September 21st Virgo
Paulie July 8th Cancer
Pedro June 16th Gemini
Peeply Lulu January 2nd Capricorn
Pekoms April 11th Aries
Pell August 23rd Virgo
Penguin April 25th Taurus
Perona June 7th Gemini
Peterman January 4th Capricorn
Pica December 14th Sagittarius
Pickles January 9th Capricorn
Pierre October 8th Libra
Porche November 16th Scorpio
Porchemi April 3rd Aries
Portgas D. Ace January 1st Capricorn
Portgas D. Rouge June 10th Gemini
One Piece Zodiac (Astrological Signs)
RandomHere's compiled list of One Piece Characters. Included are Name, Date of Birth, Month of Birth, Astrological Sign. It is very possible that names may be misspelled or characters are missing. If either or any other mistakes are found please let me kn...