May 1st Taurus Capote
May 1st Taurus Kaido
May 2nd Taurus Coribou
May 2nd Taurus Monkey D. Garp
May 31st Taurus Lacuba
May 3rd Taurus Arlong
May 4th Taurus Isshily
May 5th Taurus Demaro Black
May 5th Taurus Monkey D. Luffy
May 6th Taurus Enel
May 8th Taurus Shakuyaku (Shakky)
May 9th Taurus Kong
May 9th Taurus Sengoku
May 10th Taurus Heracles
May 13th Taurus Coby
May 13th Taurus Silvers Rayleigh
May 15th Taurus Baby 5
May 18th Taurus Gorilla
May 19th Taurus Andre
May 19th Taurus John Giant
May 20th Taurus Conis
May 22nd Gemini Decalvan Brothers
May 23rd Gemini Chew
May 24th Gemini Carrot
May 25th Gemini Big Pan
May 26th Gemini Kohza
May 29th Gemini Diamante
One Piece Zodiac (Astrological Signs)
RandomHere's compiled list of One Piece Characters. Included are Name, Date of Birth, Month of Birth, Astrological Sign. It is very possible that names may be misspelled or characters are missing. If either or any other mistakes are found please let me kn...