The Key (BillTemple1957)

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The Key

He sat in silence, staring down at the key, that lay next to his feet.

The bright red tag that was attached to it, showed a stark contrast to his Nike runners, unlaced, that covered his sock-less feet.

It had been late at night when he got the call.

He knew the unknown number that showed up on the cellphone, was from his old friend Harry. He had been expecting the call, although he had laid in bed for hours, praying that the call would not come.

He looked at his wife, Charolette, who lay, snoring slightly, in the bed next to him.

He smiled a sad smile, thinking of how much he loved her and how she had been his 'rock', during the 32 years they had been married. He remembered the first time he saw her, at the pep rally, at university. And how, he had told Harry, later that night, "That girl is the girl I am gonna marry."

Harry had laughed.

He leaned over and kissed Charolette.

"I love you."

He thought of the twins, William and Jillian. Should he call them?

The cellphone continued to ring.


He picked up the cellphone.

"Reynolds here."


"Are you sure?"


"We are all in agreement?"


"We have exhausted ..."

His words were cut off and he sat in complete silence, nodding his head slightly.

He knew all the answers.

"Honey, who is it?"

He looked at Charolette.

"Go back to sleep, honey. Its just Harry."

She smiled.

"Tell him I said hello."

"I will."

She lay down as he turned his attention back to the cellphone.

"Charolette says hello."


"I will."


"I will be there in ten minutes."

He clicked off the cellphone.

He kissed his wife again.

Harry put his hand on his friends shoulder.

"Ken? Its time."

He nodded.

He bent down to pick up the red tagged key, once again.

Twice before, he had picked up the key, but shaking and sweating hands, had let it slip through and fall to the floor again.

He sat back in the chair, sighing.

He looked around the room. All there, stood in silence, staring at him.

Some wiped tears from their eyes, but fought through, keeping a stiff upper lip, as they say.


He looked up at Harry.

"We have exhausted every option?"

"You know we have. We are in agreement."

He looked at the hey, in his hand. Again he took a deep breath.

He leaned forward and punched in the numbers on the keypad.

He sat back again, pondering one last time, if it was the right thing to do.

He knew it was the only thing to do.

He looked at the tag on the key. For the first time he noticed the inscription on the tag.

'Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.'

He nodded, tears in his eyes.

He put the key in.

"Forgive me."

He turned the key and passed the red button.

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