C H A P T E R 1

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A/N: This is my first fanfiction that I decided to publish, I hope you guys like it. Please feel free to leave comments/reviews c:



I felt his warm embrace for the last time as a year made its way down my cheek.

"Don't forget about me." I said, my voice muffled his shirt. I wrapped my hands around him tighter. "Please, just don't forget about me."

By now my eyes were on the verge of turning red from all the crying I've done. He spoke warmly into my ear, just loud enough for me to hear,

"How could I ever forget you?"

Just hearing those words made me feel invincible, yet I was still crying.

I felt someone tugging my hair, it was my little sister Joy. "Noona, it's time to go! The plane might leave!" I couldn't help but smile at her adorable kiddish voice. It took a few seconds but I managed to lift my head from his shoulder, lowering to my regular stance at the same time. I looked up at him, the dork I'd been best friends with for 16 years. I squeezed him one last time before running off with my sister. It looked like he would say something, but I didn't hear anything as I was too far away. I looked at the sign above me, it was terminal 7 the hall that would take me to my plane, which would take me to the 'land of dreams', or in my case, hell.


I blinked away a tear, shutting my eyes tight. I thought that if I shut them tight enough I would realize it was all a dream. Instead of waking up from the dream, I was slapped hard with reality. This was really happening. My best friend was leaving. I still held my head high, to make sure she was comforted. Our embrace was interrupted by her younger sister, she looked a lot like her. I felt her pull away and I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from saying, 'No, don't let go yet.' I looked down at her as she fell to her actual height. We stood in silence for a few seconds before she was dragged off. This time I couldn't hold back my feelings.

"Don't leave, I love you." The words fell so smoothly out of my mouth, and a burden was lifted off my shoulders. I knew she hadn't heard, she was too far away. A tear slowly made it's way to my nose and fell to the ground as I looked down. Instantly, everything I regretted not doing appeared before me. I felt like screaming, that was my last chance and I hadn't done a single thing.



I didn't sleep throughout the entire 17 hour flight. I couldn't sleep, as a matter of fact. I couldn't stop thinking of all the things I left behind. My best friend, my family, my whole life. I sighed and broke my stare with the window. Joy had fallen asleep on my lap, as expected. I grinned when I saw her sleeping face, I started to gently play with her hair. Something I did to comfort her, only this time it was comforting me.

A million thoughts and questions raced through my head the entire time. Why did it have to be me?

I thought to myself. I tend to ask that question more and more as the years go by, I guess luck isn't really on my side.

I sighed softly as I wondered how life will be like in the next few years.

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