cH. 4

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Catpaw woke up just before sunrise because she's an awesome apprentice. She trotted into the clearing. Starstar was gathering a border patrol. He spotted her and smiled. 

            "You're the only apprentice who has ever woken up on time," he said. Pawpool overheard and though this must be the one. She was excited because she thought she had found the one and she was happy. 

            "Thank you," said Catpaw. She was very happy. They went out of the clearing and they started fighting practice. Starstar said "fight me". and Catpaw was like "oh yeah dude". And she threw herself at him and karate chopped him and he fell to the ground with a thud. And he was like "oh no" a kit has just beaten me. 

            "You are pretty good for an apprentice," he told Catpaw seriously then added, "but I'm better." Catpaw nodded. Then Starstar taught Catpaw more tricks and now she knew taekwondo as well as karate. Also, it was leaf-bare (oh wait what?... no..., it was already leaf-bare. I am confusion. Whatever, let's just say it's leaf-fall) so it was leaf-fall and the leaves were falling. And the ground was covered in leaves and Catpaw thought Wow it's so beautiful which has no relevance whatsoever but eh. Then she entered camp and ate a mouse. She opened her mouth and sunk her teeth into the mouse then she tore a piece of meat off and using her mouth muscles, she chewed. (details are important). So then she went to the apprentice den. It was empty except for a handsome light grey cat with blue eyes (because blue eyes are pretty). 

           "Hi I'm Greypaw," said the cat, smiling. Catpaw didn't know him which is stupid as they're in the same Clan and practically live in the same house and they should have been in the nursery together as you become an apprentice when you're six moon old and become a warrior when you're twelve moons old (unless you fail then...idk what happens, you probably just fade away or something) so before that you're in the nursery so at some point they had to have been in the nursery together but let's ignore that and pretend they're in the same Clan but just met. 

           "Hi. I'm Catpaw," replied Catpaw shyly. Who was this cat?

           "I've never seen you before," said Greypaw. 

            "Me neither," said Catpaw. 

            "Oh well, we're in the same apprentice den so let's be friends," said Greypaw. 

           "K," replied Catpaw. Then she slept because it's easy to just end a chapter with a cat sleeping. So Catpaw slept and yeah. 

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