01: The Beginning

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Bai Luo Yin is currently in a very toxic environment.

He stared at the people around the dining table, inwardly grimacing at the company he is in.

He had never wanted to come here. If it was just his own choice, he won't ever step foot into this residence, much less this house. But his father intervened with his decision for once.

"Go on son. Even for just for one meal, go. Get to know them. If they didn't manage to give any good impression on you, then don't go anymore. At least you tried."

So now he is here, following his father's advice. Bai Han Qi don't usually disagree with his decisions, preferring to make him decide things at his own pace and giving counsel when asked or needed. So when he voiced his disagreement, he would usually listen.

But so far, everything turned out to be as he expected. This isn't a warm family dinner, nor was this the type of atmosphere he liked when he eats. Tension is in the air, never dissipating as every minute passed in silence. The delicious food on the table was ignored, no one paying any attention to it.

Jiang Yuan is trying her best to give a little cheer in the table to no avail. The more the silence lasts, the more forced is her smile. He feels a sorry for her, but not to the point that he'd be willing to ease her tension. He let her be. This was what she wanted after all.

General Gu Wei Ting's face seemed to be frozen in the same expression, cold and unyielding. Though he looked intimidating, Bai Luo Yin had never been affected by his presence, not even once. The effect is event much less now that he had already grown accustomed to that expression as he's been seeing him ever since he enlisted in the military. With him as a Major now and a member of the Air Force, he could see why expressions like that will be necessary.

The one that has him curious is the person sitting stiffly beside him.

This is Gu Wei Ting's son, Gu Hai and he's apparently a successful businessman. That was a surprise to him as he had thought that the other would certainly enlist. Well, everyone has their own preference.

Entering the military wasn't really what he had in mind though. He wanted to be a businessman. He knew he'd be able to do it well too.

But Yang Meng was almost forced by his father to enlist so he did too. Only, he passed and Yang Meng didn't. By that time, he already saw the appeal of being in the military and he decided to just stay and see where this path would take him.

Gu Hai had a cold look plastered on his face, unwillingness to be in there clearly seen in his eyes. He understands why as he himself wasn't pleased to be here. But he is exhibiting basic courtesy and he doesn't want to make unnecessary fuss. He won't be coming here again anyway.

All of them ate silently. He didn't pay much attention to anyone. He was determined to finish eating immediately so he could leave.

This environment is stiffling. He can't relax.

Though he was actively trying to finish quickly, he still ate politely so it was no surprise that the one who finished first is the person beside him as he was stuffing his face without a care in the world. The way Gu Hai ate made him remember of his high school days when he also ate just like that.

He suddenly missed Aunt Zou's warm food.

Gu Hai let his utensils down and stood up, looking as if he's now going to leave.

"Where are you going?" Gu Wei Ting asked in a stern voice.

"Leaving. I'm done with this dinner," Gu Hai answered, voice cold and not even looking at his father.

He knew there would be some sort of animosity between father and son considering the way they had treated each other upon meeting earlier. Though it is a little uncomfortable to be seeing this, he didn't say anything and just continued to calmly eat.

He didn't have any right to enter the two Gu men's affairs.

"You haven't even greeted your brother," Gu Wei Ting motioned his hand towards him. He carefully didn't allow himself to stiffen when everyone's attention turned to him. He just continued eating without acknowledging anyone. Though he really wanted to scream.

Don't get me involved with your fight!!!!!

Gu Hai looked at him, at the way he wasn't even looking at them and how he was eating before he snorted derisively.

"He is eating rather well. Let him eat to his heart's content. This might be a first for him."

Bai Luo Yin's ears are ringing at that. He can feel his blood pressure rising. Only his years in the military managed to salvage himself as he successfully didn't react to the jibe.

Thankfully, he was done. He didn't even taste anything he ate due to his desire to get out of there.

Jiang Yuan gasped rather audibly and he could see Gu Wei Ting's eyes glaring murder at his son.

He slowly stood up, making the three of them silent. He methodically wiped his mouth of the grease it probably have before he faced them.

"Thank you for the food," he started rather calmly. It's actually an accomplishment as he could feel himself getting angry the more he remembered those words and that tone.

He isn't the type to get hung up on things like that, but that tone struck him, making him remember of his way of life before he enlisted and made a name for himself.

It was like Gu Hai was insulting the foundation of his being, along with his family.

"I am going back to the base first General Gu. I still have to give them instructions before I can take my leave." It was true. He hadn't given them instructions yet, though he certainly didn't need to as they are all responsible. He hadn't intended to go to the base. He had already spent his morning and afternoon with his family, and evening here after all, which was a waste. But now, he felt like he had to.

If only to use the facilities to expel his anger.

Gu Wei Ting didn't speak, he only nodded his head once, mouth pursed tightly. Jiang Yuan looked to be hesitating. He didn't look at her and just walked out. He stopped beside Gu Hai and patted his shoulder roughly.

Their eyes met. He gave him a long, considering look for a few seconds before he spoke. "Thank you for worrying about me, brother," he emphasized that last words rather well. "It's really appreciated even if it is completely unnecessary. I eat fine everyday." He leaned for a bit to whisper in the other's ear, not wanting the two to hear what he wants to say.


He pulled back and gave him a bright yet insincere smile before walking out of there.

That's the person she wants me to get along with? He felt his eyes glaring while he walked towards his car. Dream on! That arrogant bastard!

He gritted his teeth as he drove away from there.

He certainly need a punching bag.



I wasn't going to write a fanfiction about this story unless Book 2 translation by Saehan01 finishes (read the stories Sae translated guys! Very good translation and storylines!) but I can't resist. I felt like I had to write this. What do you think?

Anyway, vote and comment!

Written: 09-09-2017
Reposted: 10-21-2018

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