03: Seeing Each Other Again

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Two days are plenty enough for Bai Luo Yin's irritation to fade.

Actually, the second he punched and kicked all of his irritation on the sandbag until his strength completely left him and he had to lie down on the mat for a long time was enough for it to be gone. But the memory was still in the forefront of his mind so at random times, his annoyance would burst without any warning if anything around triggers the memory of that day.

But two days... It really is enough. In the first place, he isn't the type of person to hold a grudge that long, not unless it is serious. That dinner wasn't tagged as serious in his mind so it didn't take long for him to not mind it. At least two days wasn't long for a normal person.

But not for him.

Bai Luo Yin felt that he had focused too much on his annoyance about Gu Wei Ting's son. It feels silly now, looking back on it. It's been a long time since his temper reared its ugly head that when it revealed itself he was caught off guard.

Though he looked calm even when he was still in school before, he had always been quick to anger and his temper erupts without any warning. But it wasn't that troubling... much anyway because his anger is as quick to dissipate as his temper is quick to erupt. It balanced.

Though when he enlisted and finally became a part of the military, he had fully been able to control himself so he seemed to be more calm.

Maybe because his temper rose too quickly for him to calm down that the memory always affected him.

It is a good thing he expelled all that aggression immediately. He had to temper hinself more so in the future he won't be controlled by his still-present volatile temper.

Anyway, he figured that he won't be seeing that person anytime soon so it would be best if he just enjoy his 20 days of leave, now cut off to 18 days.

He wasted the rest of his two days thinking about useless things.

He shook his head to get his mind back at the present before he decided to visit his 'good sister' at the local police station at Haidian District where his friend was a police officer assigned in that area.

Yang Meng, as he had expected was rejected from the military. He had already foreseen this as Yang Meng isn't the type of person who can withstand any physically hard labor. Even just running depletes his energy. He only enlisted because of his father who was constantly on his case, telling and bribing him to at least try. It's the reason he tried to help him whenever he gets into trouble back when they were still new in the military, to help ease the pain of his friend.

When he failed, his father now wanted him to try the police academy. A lot of bribing was necessary to get him to accept and even then, he just went and did it bitterly.

Though Yang Meng isn't that good in physical activity, the long years he had taught his friend of how to use that brain of his helped him to be accepted in his workplace despite them still teasing him about his quite feminine looks.

In the first place, police work is more on brain than physical activity as they are more focused on solving a case than running around all day. Though Yang Meng would not be able to evade patrol, at least he has a partner as was every police officer. Rarely does one want to be alone or the chief to even allow it. Much less on his friend's case.

Because, no offense but Yang Meng's physical appearance will always be a disadvantage to his line of work. No criminal would ever take him seriously. In this case, every one of them will judge the book by its cover. He couldn't even get this to be an advantage because his stamina was always short, martial arts not that good and he has this tendency to be clumsy when nervous. Not to mention his strength will always be inferior.

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