02: Expressing Interest

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"Bai Luo Yin? Major Bai Luo Yin?"

Gu Hai is currently at the military base, specifically at the recruitment section to talk to some of the men he knew about his stepbrother, especially those who he was sure was an instructor when his stepbrother enlisted.

He hadn't known the name of his stepbrother at first, much less his face. Even before when he was still a teenager, a high school student, he disregarded anything that came out of her mouth. He had absolutely no interest in knowing anyone from that woman's side. Hearing about her son always made him irritated. He thought that anyone that Jiang Yuan born is not worthy enough of his attention.

She is the woman that his father replaced for his mother after she died. He would never accept her, and that includes her son.

Until that dinner two days ago.

For some utterly inconceivable reason, Bai Luo Yin caught his attention from the very start. He didn't know how or why since the other had been rather silent the entire time they were in that dinner, except at the end.

Maybe it was because of his complete calmness in that situation and also the way he could ignore the high tension in the air. His silence at that moment was enough to be memorable.

He has a rather handsome face, something that wasn't really a surprise considering he is the son of Jiang Yuan. Loathed as he was to admit, Jiang Yuan has a pretty face. What was a surprise though is the charm that effortlessly oozes out of his pores even just by doing something as ordinary as eat.

The interest that stirred inside him only irritated him more and he spent the rest of that time resentful at being there having to dine with them. He didn't have to really, but his father arrived while he was there visiting to look through his mom's room and forced to him to be there to finally meet his stepbrother.

Throughout that dinner, only Gu Wei Ting and Jiang Yuan was talking. The man beside him never even spoke a single word. His interest spoke, as well as his irritation. The cycle just viciously continued.

His mood contributed a lot to his rather acidic tone, making him somewhat forget about his cold attitude when it comes to dealing with his father and that woman.

But even with his interest, he still had no intention of getting to know the man. He won't have any influence in his life anyway, much less is he important to his affairs.

That changed though when he finally spoke and talked to him right before he left.


Who would have thought that behind that calm exterior lies a fiery spirit?

That single word whispered softly yet full of bite, the warm breath that tickled his ear as he spoke evoked an unfamiliar feeling in him that he couldn't understand. Not at the moment. Even that parting smile lingered inside his mind.

Blindingly bright yet clearly full of sarcasm and annoyance. His eyes held an irritation that simply couldn't be suppressed even as he managed to even his voice.

He should have guessed that Bai Luo Yin is a military man simply by his composure. But he hadn't. Because when he is in front of his father, military is synonymous to him and his rigid, unreasonable ways and his stepbrother hadn't been carrying the almost loathsome bearing of his father.

And to think that he even is a Major.

Gu Hai nodded his head once in answer, not making it known that he really did not know about the ranking of the person he is inquiring.

"He's a tenacious bastard," one of them said, a reluctant smile slowly revealing his lips. The other nodded.

"Who would have thought he'd be in his position now? I remembered how much I loathed seeing that face of his before."

"Why?" He asked, rather curious now about what his stepbrother had been doing that managed to irk the two military men in front of him.

"He kept on saving his friend who enlisted with him. The punishment that his friend should have done, he shares without hesitation. He would insist that he should be allowed to help his friend, not even being deterred when we told him we would triple the punishment."

Thinking about the sufferings he had endured in this place since he was a child, he couldn't help the admiration and further interest that rose inside his heart.

Another facet of Bai Luo Yin's life. He wanted to learn more.

One of them chuckled. "It feels like he brainwashed us to accept his view. Even General Gu allowed his rather reckless decision to share punishment. In the end, he remained while that friend of his didn't."

Gu Hai's forehead creased in confusion at that. There's just something wrong with that statement.

They sounded as if they didn't know Bai Luo Yin's connection with my father.

"Do you know who he was when he enlisted?"

The two looked confused at his question. They both looked at each other before looking at him in question.

"What is there to know about?"

"Major Bai Luo Yin apparently only enlisted for that friend of his. He stayed as he passed. He's from a poor family though he isn't actually ashamed of that."

"He's got a rather strong will."

They didn't know? Did he not tell anyone that he is father's stepson? Till now?

If so... That means everything he had right now, the things he had accomplished was done by his own effort.

Further admiration rose inside him at that thought.

He never thought he'd ever had any interest in knowing his step-brother. Maybe it's worth it to learn more about him than he currently could find? After all, Bai Luo Yin seemed to be a decent person... despite his temper.

That temper of his... it's delightfully refreshing, Gu Hai thought. It's rare, even almost extinct for him to have someone - of course other than his father - be willing to call him on his bullshits and to be upfront with their annoyance when it comes to him because of his identity and background. Even his close friends before wasn't that blunt. It's even much less now that his name is being recognized as a shrewd and successful businessman.

Bai Luo Yin's temper gives such a unique feeling. The fire raging inside him is making him feel alive.

Despite him being that woman's son and the slightly obvious similarities between them, he wouldn't really compare the man with his own mother.

Bai Luo Yin is a breath of fresh air. Though there are similarities, their differences are totally noticeable. The other had his own personality that differs very differently to his mother.

Hearing about him from an unbiased perspective made all of the irritation he felt at him being Jiang Yuan's son and annoyance at the way the other talked to him despite it being the reason why he was seeking information about his stepbrother was now gone like it had been blown away by a hurricane.

His eyes twinkled.

I could acknowledge him as my brother!

Gu Hai now wanted to get to know the person called Bai Luo Yin.

He has a good feeling about this.



I'm not sure how I did Gu Hai's POV as even now, I am still unsure how he fell in love. All I know is it showed and it wasn't sudden at all. Though CJD never really elaborated so I am having a hard time because I want to make it known here in my fic.


I know something is seriously wrong about the military info I put here. According to the original novel, one must take military entrance exam first before entering military school. I don't know if it's still like this if you enlist. But here in this story of mine, it isn't. Anyone can enlist when they're at a certain age, but you'll be tested for six months. At the end, you will either be accepted or rejected.

Anyway, hope you liked it.

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Written: 09-10-2017
Reposted: 10-22-2018

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