Away We Go

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Away, away, away down the river we go.......

Gone, gone, gone they go......

Away, away, away we go....

Know that I am always here......

I awake with my shirt soaked with sweat  sticking to my body. At first I don't realize where I am, but in a rush everything come hitting me at once. Man, emerald, blond , crash, passports, mom. In the corner of my eye I see Liam staring out of the window. The window is a small rectangle with curved edges, I look around and see other people. I see rows and rows of people going ahead and behind me. Now this concludes me thought we are in fact on an airplane. I turn  to Liam and he is staring at me dead in the eyes. I have a chance to really look at him, he has bags under eyes, and his once happy smile is now replaced by a saddened smile as though he is attempting to smile and its not working. He says only one thing,"Welcome to Rannen."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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