Stay Awake, Kazer

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The day you were brought in
You were just a baby, small and thin
Twinkling and shining eyes is what I saw
You were sweet and lovely, not one single flaw

Kazer was the name we gave you
Day after day you grew and grew
Until you were almost as big as the plants in the backyard
Until you became our personal security guard

You played all day and night
You jumped and leaped as high as a kite
Whenever I come home tired and sleepy
You would do anything just to make me happy

You were always running here and there
You even break our things unaware
You fight everything and everyone who were a threat to us
The mailman, delivery boy and even the school bus

Everyday I pray
That no matter what happens you will always stay
But everything was gone in a blink of an eye
In one snap, it was time to say goodbye

A loud bang destroyed our paradise
A stranger was the reason for all our cries
You still fought and stayed awake
You still laughed and smiled even though it was all fake

You grew too much it's time to keep your favourite toy
You were a fighter, you were a very good boy
We will see you soon, but for now rest well
You can sleep now, our angel

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